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[Contest] Borderlands 2 Steam Code - Ended


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Alright this is a simply contest and the winner gets borderlands 2!



1) post a picture of the dirtiest and oldest computer you can find

2) Explain if you had a cow, what would you do with one? Write whatever but make sure you stay within the forum rules of OCC!


Winner is picked randomly by post number using Random Number Generator Borderlands 2 is in my steam gifts so you need an Steam account to get it. I lied, its not a code :whistling: .

Contest end 5/18 10PM (MT)

Anyone can enter and win it for whoever they like . It's in my steam gifts so you whoever is getting it will either have to give me the steam email or login to recieve it . If you do not post a picture and write something, your post does not count.

Have fun!

An example: The picture doesn't count because it's not dirty.

If I had a cow....I may be tempted to ____

If a cow was my friend....I may ____





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I didn't go googling for this one, just went out to my shop and snapped a picture!

This is the pc that runs my cnc router, so it sits in the shop and collects saw dust.
If I had a cow...I would have a really fresh rib eye steak.   

Funny idea for the contest!  I've heard it's a really good game too, just never picked it up though.


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Not really dirty but here's the oldest system I have, I generally keep my rigs quite clean. Have a pic of some of my old tech too:





P.S. If this doesn't count I can take a pic of some dustballs for you too?


If I had a cow, I would soon after not-have-a-cow, but have a new rig. Cows are expensive these days,

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