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  Wow, twice within 2 years I have had an issue with an ASUS product and twice in a row I was dicked around by ASUS support.


  Just got done spending the last 4 days trying to see if I can acquire a button bar for my 5-year old VW222U and in my intial e-mail to ASUS support I told them I was aware it was out of warranty and just wanted to buy the part outright to replace it IF they still had a part in stock. My response from ASUS support? They asked me if I wanted to repair it or replace it. . . . The hell? I told them I wanted to repair it as the LCD is still in perfect condition. I replied to their inquiry and asked them to re-read my initial e-mail because I already said what I wanted to do and that was NOT to replace an otherwise perfectly working monitor. Their second reply? THEY ASKED ME AGAIN, would I like to repair or replace the monitor?


  WTF ASUS? After about 11 years of loving ASUS I am 100% done with them. they used to have the best support I had ever seen but now? Their products are getting to be of lower quality and their support is shit. 2 years ago I have an NIC on a mobo die, sent it in for an RMA, they said it was fixed and sent it back. Long story short, they sent the exact same board back with the exact same issue and yes I verrified it was still dead. A month later after trying to get them to send me another board or at least cover the shipping on the board the second time as I wasn't going to again and I finally threw the damned board away.


  At least Biostar and Gigabyte are still good by me. Haven't ever had an MSI, FoxConn or Zotac board fail on me yet so looks like one of those companies get what ASUS would have gotten now.

You know....


I have the same issue. I have a monitor that is out of warranty and the button bar has quit working. and I thought I would just replace that part myself but it seems it is not that easy. The part and Micro-switches are Proprietary to Asus.


It is a simple fix that someone like me or you could do inside of 5 minutes as it is a simple unplug and plug of the tiny board. I have not contacted Asus as I figured I;d get the same run-around. By box and ship and pay for the shipping of a LARGE x HUGE monitor that is currently working for a part they could easily ship in a 5.00 mailer?


Now I know there is probably a Liability issue in there somewhere but hey it is out of warranty and I assume the Liability...


My buttons just like any other got gummy and just quit. I've had to "break" the power button to force the monitor to stay on....


All I am going to say is that it is a shame that Asus has such good quality on somethings but pure crap on others... I mean really ? make a great monitor but use the cheapest micro-switches ever?


I wish the part was easily available

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In the past ten years, 8 of my personal computers have been Asus motherboards along with Asus graphics cards. And I have not had any issues,.. That were not quickly resolved by Asus Tech Support, or Asus Forums. I'm vary happy with there hardware.  :thumbsup: 

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There is definitely a Difference in the support you get when you are just RMA'n a product then trying to get parts to fix your own product w/o RMA'n it....thats basically the point of the thread,,,


It would be like the fan going out on your Video card and trying to get Asus to send you a fan... they insist you send the card back so they can fix the fan....

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I can see why they do want faulty products returned to them - so they can find out what exactly has gone wrong so they can improve the quality of their products in the future, so in reality, I don't blame them for asking for their products back.


Ideally the product wouldn't break in the first place, and I do agree the support from some of these companies varies from inadequate to complete crap depending on the situation, but I can see (specifically with cheaper brands, although this does not specifically relate to the thread as ASUS aren't the cheapest components ever) that sometimes you pay so little for the component that for the company to provide decent support aswell, they would make a categoric loss.

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Just sent a video card in for RMA and had no issues......

I've never had any trouble with them.

You guys get preferential treatment because of your status as OCC reviewers :)

I never dealt with them as staff - everything was before I joined. :cheers:

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