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can newer drivers make a card overclock better?


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recently i have downloaded the beta drivers of the nvidia site and i decided to see if i could push my gtx 480 a bit more (last time i had 820 core stable without artifacts, 1mhz above that and it would either give artifacts or crash kombuster)

and to my suprise, i have a 850mhz core stable with no artifacts at all D: could this be the cause of the newer drivers?


i doubt it but would be nice if it was, otherwise my card is starting to like me and finaly gives me some extra perfomance ;P

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the 4xx's have been out long enough that any driver optimizations that could possibly help with card stability and performance have already been made.




They wont be made because they obviously want people to buy newer cards.

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Drivers can make your card overclock more or overclock less. Theres no certainty until you install it and try it out.


interesting, couldn't hit my memory past 2100 tho, but the overclock is massive anyway :O


now at


850mhz core

2100mhz memory

1700mhz shaders

1.050 volt (1.013v orginial, can be done with 1.038v but just in case i upped it to 1.050v for extra stability)


72c max temp, 20c~ room temprature



pretty nice final clocks, and i am quite happy with it, maybe i should run a few new benches....... damn it there goes my day xP

Edited by WarWeeny

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Might not just be the drivers. I recall back in the day you could overclock a CPU and then wait about 30 days of running it and gain another 5% or so. Think of it as baking it in.

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Might not just be the drivers. I recall back in the day you could overclock a CPU and then wait about 30 days of running it and gain another 5% or so. Think of it as baking it in.


well i got this one second handed and i already have it for like 4 months or so, i doubt it could be ''baking in'' :P

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There is no hard & fast rule that says that newer drivers are better for overclocking.

The amount of stable overclock depends on the driver version which may or may not be the latest and primarily to the card that you are using and now much it can take.

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D: did unigine run and...wow just wow lol





gtx 580 superclocked unigine score:


i know the video is quite old but he also had a i5 2500k @4.5 ghz and i have a i5 [email protected]

plus his card is also overclocked so i gues its ''fair'' :P


the reviews on this site have similar scores with the gtx 580 shown in the video (some are even lower then the vid)



*e-penis grew over 9000! levels!*

Edited by WarWeeny

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Might not just be the drivers. I recall back in the day you could overclock a CPU and then wait about 30 days of running it and gain another 5% or so. Think of it as baking it in.


Quite the opposite now with Sandy, you actually get less due to degradation and electron migration at high clocks.

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The actual overclocking ability of the card? No. That usually stays the same independent of the driver being used (most of the time).


However, drivers can increase/decrease the performance of the card. Not the overclocking ability... except for certain instances. I did a test review a long ways back comparing overclocking and performance with different drivers on a GTX 460 1GB. Notice the memory overclocks varied: http://forums.overclockersclub.com/index.php?showtopic=188416

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Quite the opposite now with Sandy, you actually get less due to degradation and electron migration at high clocks.

"Burning in" still works fairly often though...even on Ivy Bridge people tend to get a bit more after a bit of overclock time. It doesn'tmake sense but it works.

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