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Freaky Analogy


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I won't take credit for this because I am sure someone somewhere has already said this and I just haven't seen it mentioned or referenced. Those who read the Miscellaneous Hardware section know I am in the market for a smart phone so I'm reading both Droid websites and Apple websites. I will admit Apple deserves a lot of the hate it gets but at the same time it doesn't deserve... most of what it gets. Droid fans not only make fun of apple products but also apple users and a lot of the things they accuse of apple products and the fan base they are guilty of too. Now I'm not going to get into any of that stuff, but this made me think of where else have I seen this trend?


PC vs Console

... is like ...

Droid vs iPhone



  2. Fans think Consoles hold PC Gaming back
  3. Fans make personal attacks on Console Fans
  4. Fans are quick to point out ANY flaw/s they see in consoles
  5. Allows freedom to manipulate the O/S at user's disgression
  6. More SW options to increase functionality
  7. More HW options to increase functionality
  8. This flexibility creates more work for programmers so it has less support



  2. Locked O/S
  3. Developers favor this platform due to popularity and because it is easier to program for
  4. Console gaming took off in popularity before PC gaming did
  5. Software and Hardware is very solid, which means...
  6. Fans love it because well, "It just works!"
  7. GUI is very useful friendly so the ease of use is high
  8. But so is the proprietary crap




  2. Fans think the iPhone holds the smart phone market back
  3. Fans make personal attacks on Apple Fans
  4. Fans are quick to point out ANY flaw/s they see in iPhones
  5. Allows freedom to manipulate the O/S at user's disgression
  6. More SW options to increase functionality
  7. More HW options to increase functionality
  8. This flexibility creates more work for programmers so it has less support



  2. Locked O/S
  3. Developers favor this platform due to popularity and because it is easier to program for
  4. iPhone took off in popularity before the Droid came out
  5. Software and Hardware is very solid, which means...
  6. Fans love it because well, "It just works!"
  7. GUI is very useful friendly so the ease of use is high
  8. But so is the proprietary crap




That is just 7 points that I was able to copy & paste and if I wasn't trying to run out the door, I'm sure I could easily think of more. I find it uncanny just how similar the dynamics are for both sides.

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But still can't pick your phone huh :teehee:

:lol: Nope!


D3bruts made it even harder linking that LG Optimus G. Now I'm thinking if it was Verizon I would be sold and decision would be easy and done with. But ya this topic shows ya how much I been over thinking this. :P

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Be like me and own a PC, a 360, a PS3. That way you have the best of all the systems and non of that pesky money lying around.

All in all my PS3 is wasted as a Netflix player, my 360 is basically unused for lack of Xbox Live and lack of fun single player games I haven't demolished.

So PC wins it in my house. It wins it twice because the wife is the same way. +2 for the PC.


And don't say "You don't own a Wii?" because I have ZERO interest in flailing away like an idiot.

I have developed a certain dignity and will not have it destroyed by a second rate console!

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Be like me and own a PC, a 360, a PS3. That way you have the best of all the systems and non of that pesky money lying around.

All in all my PS3 is wasted as a Netflix player, my 360 is basically unused for lack of Xbox Live and lack of fun single player games I haven't demolished.

So PC wins it in my house. It wins it twice because the wife is the same way. +2 for the PC.


And don't say "You don't own a Wii?" because I have ZERO interest in flailing away like an idiot.

I have developed a certain dignity and will not have it destroyed by a second rate console!

A hacked wii is great older console emulator and a great media center too! (if found cheaper than a small micro-ITX system)

Edited by IVIYTH0S

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A hacked wii is great older console emulator and a great media center too! (if found cheaper than a small micro-ITX system)

NEver though about that, but I think I would enjoy a stand alone media pc more. Just me I suppose.

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A hacked wii is great older console emulator and a great media center too! (if found cheaper than a small micro-ITX system)

My Wii hasn't been turned on with the intent to play a video game (by me at least) in 2+ years, I only ever watch Netflix or movies i put on a USB drive.


It doesn't play large HD videos, but everything else I throw at it plays flawlessly.

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Be like me and own a PC, a 360, a PS3. That way you have the best of all the systems and non of that pesky money lying around.

All in all my PS3 is wasted as a Netflix player, my 360 is basically unused for lack of Xbox Live and lack of fun single player games I haven't demolished.

So PC wins it in my house. It wins it twice because the wife is the same way. +2 for the PC.


And don't say "You don't own a Wii?" because I have ZERO interest in flailing away like an idiot.

I have developed a certain dignity and will not have it destroyed by a second rate console!

I own a PC, 360, PS3 and a Wii.


The Wii sux, I only use it to play old games on.


A hacked wii is great older console emulator and a great media center too! (if found cheaper than a small micro-ITX system)

Ya depending on the area you live in you can find a hacked wii for sale with 100+ games on it for $50. Friend bought one.


Surprised the console list isn't longer

It's not a list so much as I see a direct correlation between PC vs Console and Droid vs iPhone. What people love and hate for each side almost mirrors perfectly whether you are talking gaming platform or phone platform.

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That would be why I have no strong feelings either way.

Generic non-smart phone for me. I just don't want a smart phone.

I need my phone to text and that is it. I have a crappy feature phone with an actual keyboard and I love that thing.


If I had to complain it would be that the audio out has no punch.

Next phone is going to be a nice flip phone, I miss those.

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D3bruts made it even harder linking that LG Optimus G. Now I'm thinking if it was Verizon I would be sold and decision would be easy and done with. But ya this topic shows ya how much I been over thinking this. :P

Glad I could help! :P

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