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5770 to 7850


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The idea is I am going to buy a 7850 to upgrade my wives PC, she has a 5770 that was doing fine but lately it isn't up to the task. She is having about 25fps in the new wow expansion and she deserves more.


She doesn't really have the PSU to run a GTX570, well it would but it would be tight. I also don't care if it is a current gen card.


What is the Best all around card for Under $240?

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it depends if your buying online or locally




$235 after rebate and free shipping too.


if you want bang for your buck 7850/7870 is where its at.



im also on a 5770 but will upgrade to a 7850 or 7870 soon, problem is it wont fit in my centurion..

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After some thought I think I will get her a 7870 or a GTX600, a Corsair CX600 should be up to the task. It is the "baby" 600 but it is still plenty strong.

The 7870 might be a little big but I think I can shoehorn it into an Antec 300, I own tools lol. The GTX660 is shorter too.


Might end up with the EVGA Superclocked GTX 660 , I don't like mail in rebates and I think the OC on this card will bring it pretty equal to a stock clocked 7870.

I want to give nvidia another try. I really liked my old 9600GT back when it was shiny and new. I have also heard good things about EVGA too. Saphire is ok, I have a Saphire 5770 but the company as a whole has always seemed a little cheesy.


Ordering tomorrow! Well that is the plan.

Leaning on the GTX660.

Edited by GabrielTessin

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oh wow! Didn't expect that lol


It was like "mazda speed3 or civic si??"...."Hey guys I bought a Hyundai Genesis instead for just about the same price"



Great choice though, the 7950 is probably my favorite card out right now! (Why else would I have one? :P )

Edited by IVIYTH0S

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It was a bit out of the blue, I was just about to order a GTX 660 then I remembered newegg has open box video cards sometimes.

I saw a Saphire 7950 OC with a twin fan cooling solution for $265 and figured it couldn't hurt to be a little over powered.


Her computer specs are going to be a bit lopsided now. 3.8Ghz Athlon II X4, 8GB of ram, 1tb HDD and then BAM! OC'd 7950.

Next thing on the list is a 6 or 8 core proc.

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He don't hate on the Propus quads, those are diamonds in the rough for budget gaming machines. I used to hate on them until I built two and overclocked them, old school overclocking experience with very commendable performance for quads you can pick up for ~$60!!


What resolution is she running at?

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