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NVIDIA GeForce 306.23 WHQL Drivers released


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ugh, metro 2033 stopped working again. It seems every time the phyx drivers change the game stops working.

Actually had to recently update PhysX to get Borderlands to work. Currently running 09.12.0613, if that might help. Really what would help though is if nVidia let you manually install an old version. Every time I've tried it just says, "Oh, you have the same or a newer version installed, so I won't do what you want because it isn't what I want."

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Every time I've tried it just says, "Oh, you have the same or a newer version installed, so I won't do what you want because it isn't what I want."

Edited by Trankop

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How do you fix that? uninstall current driver?

Only way to install a version of PhysX older than the driver has, to my knowledge, would be to uninstall the driver and PhysX, reinstall the driver without PhysX, then manually install the version of PhysX you want.

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Only way to install a version of PhysX older than the driver has, to my knowledge, would be to uninstall the driver and PhysX, reinstall the driver without PhysX, then manually install the version of PhysX you want.

I can confirm that this method works. The standalone PhysX installation executable can be found in the same folder you extracted the nVidia installation files to in the first place.


Funny Physx is the subject of discussion today, as last night mine just suddenly stopped working out of no-where. I didn't do a single thing (I swear) and it just disappeared. Reinstall of PhysX only fixed it.



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Only way to install a version of PhysX older than the driver has, to my knowledge, would be to uninstall the driver and PhysX, reinstall the driver without PhysX, then manually install the version of PhysX you want.



I can confirm that this method works. The standalone PhysX installation executable can be found in the same folder you extracted the nVidia installation files to in the first place.


Funny Physx is the subject of discussion today, as last night mine just suddenly stopped working out of no-where. I didn't do a single thing (I swear) and it just disappeared. Reinstall of PhysX only fixed it.

Edited by Trankop

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Thanks for the how to,,, How exactly did you know, no objects moving ?

3D Mark Vantage Score was all jacked up. Then confirmed with GPUZ. Then I re-installed the Physx package as a stand alone. Everything back to normal now.

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