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Does anything beat Half-Life 2?


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I thought I was the only one who played around with all that stuff in the first game. :lol:

Hell no. In my presentation of Half-Life to my class, I even made sure to go into the kitchen just to blow up the food!



You don't have to play HalfLife to enjoy HalfLife2, though to be a 'real' gamer you have to at least play HL2.



Totally agree! Which is exactly why I'm presenting it to the class because there are way too many console-only gamers in the class (yes, I know it's on consoles too), and I think only three or four people have actually played HL2! Blasphemy!



Diablo 2



Bringing ME or D2 into the conversation is tough because they're different genres. That being said, as much as I loved D2 back in the day, I can't bring myself to play it again. I've tried several times, but always grow bored, especially with creating a new character and running through the opening quests/acts. I remember it all and despite the randomization, the quests are still always the same bland quests, and it becomes repetitive. I didn't grow bored with HL2. Even as I play and remember parts from my past play experiences, it doesn't feel repetitive and doesn't feel like been-there-done-that, it still feels fresh and still feels amazing. As for ME, I thought the first game was great and am in the middle of the second one, but I have to question whether they'll actually hold up seven years from now like HL2 has.


Regardless of your feelings on those two games, when it comes to single-player shooters, there's still nothing better. It has a great mix of shooting, driving, platforming, and puzzles...all with impeccable pacing. Go play the bridge section of Highway 17 and tell me a shooter that has done something like that before - it's like a jumping puzzle from Tomb Raider, except you have to worry about Combine soldiers and an airship. Pure adrenaline rush. And then once you bring the episodes into the conversation, well hell, I thought E1 was the best four continuous hours of gaming ever until E2 came out and blew it out of the water. The Strider/Hunter town attack was simply epic, especially if you go for the achievement on Hard difficulty.

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Not sure how long you had to do your presentation but I think it would have been kind of awesome to show off the gnome achievement in EP2. In my opinion, that's what an achievement is supposed to look like, normally I hate achievements because most of them are crap but that one is pretty challenging and a lot of fun.

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Not sure how long you had to do your presentation but I think it would have been kind of awesome to show off the gnome achievement in EP2. In my opinion, that's what an achievement is supposed to look like, normally I hate achievements because most of them are crap but that one is pretty challenging and a lot of fun.


I'm presenting HL2, not E2...despite the similarities and continuing storyline, they're still different games. I thought about continuing my HL universe presentations with E1 and E2 for my third and fourth presentations, but that seemed like it'd be a cop-out. :lol:


In any case, presentations are roughly 20 minutes. Even if that was the only thing I wanted to show off, I don't think it'd be possible in the allotted time, and besides, that doesn't really show HL2's influence and importance in the history of games, the purpose of my class.


Also, I disagree about that achievement, I actually think it's a rather poor one because it has you do something you have to go out of your way to do and that's not consistent with the game. The no-house-destroyed Strider attack achievement is much better because it actually fits in with what you'd want to do in real life, which is to save everything. If the world was under attack/control by alien forces, sending a gnome into space would be about 1200th on your list of things to do.

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Where were all of you when I was giving away multiple copies of HalfLife 2 last year!?



:lol: The other people that asked you for a copy seemed more eager. It wouldn't sit right with me to ask for a free donated game and then just let it sit in my Steam library ...especially when there are super excited people that would play it right away. Even without those people I'm not sure I could ask for a free game unless I knew for a fact I wanted to play NAO!


If the world was under attack/control by alien forces, sending a gnome into space would be about 1200th on your list of things to do.


That was awesome. Though I dunno... I think you under value the joy of punting a gnome to space.

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Used my Valve coupon to buy 'The Orange Box' (which has HL2, it's two expansions and Portal 1), who wants it?




i would

Edited by Muchoman1

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