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Awesome parenting


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Edit: Pssttt... Speedcrazy just tell him that there is no such thing as a Utopia (they only exist in fairy tales). Similar to perfection, a utopia is impossible to achieve as it is subjective.

Don't bring that up, it could have ended this thread pages ago.


@Death well atleast most 18 year olds can read the ballot. :rolleyes: Plus if kids voted all obama would have to do to get back in is pass the "Free Candy Act of 2012" :rofl:

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Don't bring that up, it could have ended this thread pages ago.


@Death well atleast most 18 year olds can read the ballot. :rolleyes: Plus if kids voted all obama would have to do to get back in is pass the "Free Candy Act of 2012" :rofl:


If he passed that I will vote for Obama. That will be more than what I ever got from presidential candidates. :lol:

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@Death well atleast most 18 year olds can read the ballot.

No, they can't. Most 18 year olds can't even tell the difference between an apostrophe and a comma. :lol:


Seriously, congress can't even understand or read half of the stuff that goes through there, you think the average citizen can or does?

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Did you take an advanced reasoning class for a pre-law degree in philosophy? No. It is your point that doesn't make much sense. Just because you can't understand my analogy doesn't mean it isn't there :doh:


What I am saying is that is that these types of chores (not chores as a whole, just the specific ones she listed) seem odd. To me they do seem a bit over the limit. What you and a few others have been arguing for is what you consider (key word) to be the difference between right and wrong. Right and wrong is an abstract concept. For instance, I think the only mistake this girl made was not telling her parents directly what she thought in at least some sort of proper conduct. However, I do think she was right in her opinions and fully entitled to them. I honestly don't care if it was disrespectful or not.


My concept is a much newer idea, and soon it will be what the general populous holds as the "right" idea. There in lies my analogy. I am using the suffrage of various walks of life because I am showing how the idea of right and wrong can evolve over time. For instance, keeping women and Africans stupid was considered at one point the right thing to do. They all thought it was just as righteous as you think this parent is. However, 100 years later, we consider it a heinous crime against humanity.


My point is with this analogy is that TODAY, you are all correct in that you think this parent is completely justified. That is just the status quo of society for the moment. However, how is this act going to be viewed in 5 years after they pass stricter child labor laws that ban such (such, NOT ALL) chores from the home stead, or in 10 years when children could have the right to vote? NOW UNDERSTAND THIS, I AM NOT SAYING THOSE PARTICULAR THINGS WILL HAPPEN IN OUR LIFE TIMES. So please do not start an argument about that because I will just source the capital letters. So I am saying that just like poll taxes were considered completely justified at one point, time eventually rewrote the generally accepted practice as being inhumane. I believe that this situation will suffer the same fate soon enough.


See what I am saying? I am not saying that this situation is like what the Africans, or the Women, or the Jewish people. I am simply remarking on the fact that eventually history will rewrite this whole situation as being a crime. It might take 2 years, or it might take 200 years, but it will eventually happen just because that is the way history works. And yes, you can go back to the same class you want me to take to learn that yourself. ;):P

I think TJ likes to make a point out if saying no one is as educated, important, or smart as him, no matter what he's replying to :lol:

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You want kids to vote?? :pfp: Really?

Imagine. Most high schoolers aren't politically literate let alone middle-school or elementary.

And btw, all this education you keep flaunting; college at 14 and a philosophy degree and all that, i think that is your problem. You are completely disconnected from reality. While the rest of us were working our tails off for our first car or whatever you were studying philosophy. We grew up in the universe and you grew up looking on, thinking on how you could turn it into utopia.


Also imagine that adults are just as worse, and that some kids to surpass them. However, as I said again, read the caps letters. I was pulling stuff out of the air for examples. There was no real connection to my beliefs.


I do however, think that everyone regaurdless of age, opcupation, color, or else wise has the potential to be full capable of making sound decisions all by themselves. I also think people have the same potential of being absolute $(*&$)(*)(*$&$)(*&^ . It can go either way. It is a very ignorant comment to say that age has anything to do with it.

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You have a blue Phanteks cooler?


What is it like? Noise wise I know the performance.

I just compared the noise levels with my ear right next to the fans and across the room. Right next to the fans it is roughly 1.5 times as loud as my CM 200m fan and when I sit across the room, the sound of my main rig is drowned out by my other rig behind my desk which has 3, 120(140?)mm fans on it + the CM 212+. So I don't find it loud at all :cheers:


Also, run on sentence FTW

Edited by Silas13013

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I just compared the noise levels with my ear right next to the fans and across the room. Right next to the fans it is roughly 1.5 times as loud as my CM 200m fan and when I sit across the room, the sound of my main rig is drowned out by my other rig behind my desk which has 3, 120(140?)mm fans on it + the CM 212+. So I don't find it loud at all :cheers:


Also, run on sentence FTW

I am contemplating swapping a 212+ with the (blue) phanteks cooler and if it is quieter than that the I am sweet :D

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I just compared the noise levels with my ear right next to the fans and across the room. Right next to the fans it is roughly 1.5 times as loud as my CM 200m fan and when I sit across the room, the sound of my main rig is drowned out by my other rig behind my desk which has 3, 120(140?)mm fans on it + the CM 212+. So I don't find it loud at all :cheers:


Also, run on sentence FTW


:lol: Side conversation? Get a room you two. :rofl:

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I am contemplating swapping a 212+ with the (blue) phanteks cooler and if it is quieter than that the I am sweet :D

Not sure if it is quieter than the 212+ or the other fans in that case. Either way, it is by no means loud. Any graphics card on air will easily drown it out under any sort of load.


:lol: Side conversation? Get a room you two. :rofl:

Oh hush, it's as relevant as anything death has been saying :teehee:

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Not sure if it is quieter than the 212+ or the other fans in that case. Either way, it is by no means loud. Any graphics card on air will easily drown it out under any sort of load.



Oh hush, it's as relevant as anything death has been saying :teehee:

Actually my sli 560 Asus dc-IIs are drowned out by my 212+ single fan once it hits 50% (I force my 560s to 40% with the hottest card never hitting 70C and usually sitting around 60c with 20-25 ambient in summer though I bump the cards to 45-50% if it's hot ie 25-30c ambient)

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I think TJ likes to make a point out if saying no one is as educated, important, or smart as him, no matter what he's replying to :lol:


No, what I am saying is that if you are going to be rude enough to tell me that I need to take an elementary history class, I will trump you with what education you don't have. That is what I don't get. You guys say I don't know what the hell I am talking about, then I call you names. What is the difference exactly? Both are rude statements to each other. At least man up it it. Personally I would rather you just call me an idiot to me personally. But for some reason my comments are more rude because..........why? Would I have to flaunt my education in your face if you would at least give me SOME credit? No, I do not think so at least. I mean you guys want to claim you are the arbiters of what is right and what is wrong, but you are sitting here telling me I have no idea what I am talking about, so I show you I have the learnings to talk about this, and then you go back and make yourselves look like you are the victims. What the heck is wrong with that picture?


My point is that everyone can get along. Maybe not us of course..........., but I think it is within human capacity for everyone on this planet to get along as equals. I get that that is an exorbitant far fetched and almost impossible goal, but can't we at least try to achieve that? Could the dad maybe have been a bit more open minded to hear what her daughter had to say, so that they themselves could talk it out peacefully. Maybe then she wouldn't have posted this on facebook at all, and maybe the entire situation could have been solved before it had even started. In my opinion just a tiny bit of care to at least been empathetic enough to hear her side of the story could have set an example for everyone. Am I saying that it had to end in the daughter getting her way entirely? No I am not. However, maybe she could have carried out the same chores (plus or minus the coffee thing......I don't know. I am still taking that into consideration and trying to learn what that really is all about) but instead her parents could have a bit more respect. For instance, could it have been her responsibility as part of the family to do the chores rather than being (seemingly) demanded out of her? Was it so far fetched that she could have been treated as an equal member of the family so long as she does equal labor and that they could have found a peaceful resolution? I think so.


However, I do not believe for a second that this guy would have been open enough or willing enough to listen at all. In fact I think she would have been grounded again right there on the spot.


All I am saying is this


Dads right to take laptop away=OK

Dads idea to shoot it with a gun= Not ok because that is being irresponsible with a gun, and it defaces something. It was just totally pointless.

Girls right to speak out=OK. Everyone needs an outlet guys. I am sure half of the people here have one person (even if it is me) of whom they totally bad mouth behind the individuals back. We are all guilty of that. And no, age, or relationship has nothing to do with it. Disrespect is still disrespect, and I again apologize for mine to everyone except those who make comments like you need to take elementary history again.

Situation carrying on the way it has (outside of forum) : Not OK. All human beings need to be better about finding peaceful ways of handling solutions BEFORE they escalate. Just because this is a video that appeals to most parents because they all have a situation where they wish they had the balls to do that to, does not make it right.


Both the dad AND the Girl were right and wrong in some regards. I just honestly believe that no human on this planet should have to resort to something like this. Is that so wrong to believe in the potential for humans to be more diplomatic than this?


That is my personal opinion, and if you guys could cut the crap of telling me I have no idea what I am talking about, then I won't have to use such @$$ hole tactics to get my points across.


I hope that seems fair to you.

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