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Watercooling Meltdown


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Or if you want to save money have a woman sit there and yap at it for a few hours :lol:



too funny :rofl:


I told my GF about the computer when she got home, she didn't seem to grasp the concept. For her, computers turn on and allow her to write her masters. she only seems to care when windows deletes her thesis work and comes complains to me.


But i think i am going to wipe out a hair dryer in the afternoon and boot the cpu on my Asrock. Thats the only thing that concerns me that may be destroyed via heat.

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For it being green i added the little bottle that suppose to stop stuff from growing and corrosion but it's 90% distilled water. I hope that stuff doesn't have a residue when dry.

An entire bottle of biocide? I'm new to LCS(still planning my first big build) but isn't generally a few drops per litre?


That really sucks. Just getting into LCS this is a scary thing to see. I will now definitely be installing a flow monitor!

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An entire bottle of biocide? I'm new to LCS(still planning my first big build) but isn't generally a few drops per litre?

I think he used Swiftech HydrX or whatever its called. You're supposed to use a bunch of the bottle but it's tiny.

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issue found. the pump didn't fail, it lost power because the connector wasn't making full contact. I guess it would be no different if the pump failed. Still water is bad water in the world of watercooling.


I still have to pull the cpu and test it other than that everything dried out and looks fine. no green residue left over. maybe i should turn on a black light just to make sure.


This may be the luckiest leak ever. If i walked away for a minute most of the parts would have been covered in water. To sum it up, everyone restart your computer and turn on auto-shutdown, thermal throttling or both right now!. don't wait or you will forget.

Edited by hornybluecow

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This may be the luckiest leak ever. If i walked away for a minute most of the parts would have been covered in water. To sum it up, everyone restart your computer and turn on auto-shutdown, thermal throttling or both right now!. don't wait or you will forget.

Never turn them off in the first place and you'll be okay. Another option would be setting the fan speed shutdown for your cpu fan/pump.


I bet your parts are fine though. :cheers:


Hmm... I'm pretty sure if you put in distilled water then add either copper sulfate or use silver as your biocide the water no longer has the low conductivity productivty of pure water. Good catch though :thumbsup:

All fluids in a watercooling system will become conductive pretty quickly regardless of how conductive they started.

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Another option to enabling TP or TM in the BIOS is to utilize a 3rd party app (like many supplied by the MB mfgs) or even Realtemp or Coretemp and enable auto shutdown at a predefined temperature setting of your own choice. I don't know if I'd consider any of those as reliable as the onboard hardware solution, but at least you don't have to worry about throttling issues that you don't have any control over. Throttling probably isn't an issue for those that don't overclock or use power saving plans anyway - but this is the OCC :)


HBC - I'm with everyone else. My condolences and best wishes that none of your gear gets fried. If it makes you feel any better I had a cpu block that sprung a leak at a fitting once and spewed Primochill all down a motherboard and directly onto the ATi HD4870 right below it. Like you I was sitting near the PC when it happened and wouldn't have known it except that my water pump started making weird gurgling noises. Shut everything down as quickly as I could. Disassembled everything and took a compressed air line, then a heating gun to the parts and pieces. Let all them set overnight, put it all together and everything worked fine the next day.


Hope you get as lucky.

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1/2 OD tyolgen (sp?) i bought thex extra chemical one to avoid kinks and water soaking into the plastic.


the fan settings were set to 100% because all the boards i've used all don't like to boot with the pump speeds (maybe it thinks the fan is broken and auto-shutoffs). Just another thing i did wrong lol.

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i don't know if this applys to all motherboards but since most people hear are over clocking they may have the cpu cores unlocked. and with all the boards i've used so far core temp, hw monitor, or any other ive tried, the core temp function doesn't work when the core unlocker function is on.

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