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AMD HD 7xxx or nVidia GTX 7xx


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Well, nVidia had the 9800. Would that then classify it as the best card ever made? I mean, it does have the highest number, no?


So did ATI. Mind blown.



Edited by Coors

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regarding kepler (Nvidia 7xx) they ahve only confirmed that the mobile parts will be released at least at the same time as ivy bridge, but they have not yet disclosed anything about the desktop parts...

and note to self... read the thread before posting!

so kepler will be 50% faster, 50% more expensive and probably 50% more power hungry (last two are just based on transistor count)

Where as 7970 have 50% more memory, more than 50% multiple GPU scaling (SLI sux), and out 50% of a year before nvidia


Interesting generation this! :thumbsup:

I just hope the radeons come down in price, but really i want a 7950 now! :dunno:

Edited by medbor

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Information leaked today saying the GTX 680 will have a 45% performance increase over the HD 7970 at a $650 price point and a release date of April 12th.




LMFAO - I was going to post 4 pages ago that NVIDIA prob wasn't using "GTX 7xx" naming for Kepler :ph34r: So should the title be "AMD 7xxx or NVIDIA GTX 6xx" :lol:

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I'm an ATI fanboi - yaaaa buddy! :woo:


This post has been edited for accuracy ...true story!!

Your math really sucks or you have extremely dry humor. :lol:


LMFAO - I was going to post 4 pages ago that NVIDIA prob wasn't using "GTX 7xx" naming for Kepler :ph34r: So should the title be "AMD 7xxx or NVIDIA GTX 6xx" :lol:


I was gonna make the same post. Than I felt glad that I read the whole thing as I didn't know they changed their approach to where the mobile chips would be the 600 series. Shoulda researched but I was feeling too lazy. :P

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I was gonna make the same post. Than I felt glad that I read the whole thing as I didn't know they changed their approach to where the mobile chips would be the 600 series. Shoulda researched but I was feeling too lazy. :P


Actually, the word on the street is that the Kepler desktop GPUs will carry the 6xx tag and they aren't skipping it to go to the 7xx naming :cheers: But hey, that's just the "word on the street' :lol:

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Where as 7970 have 50% more memory, more than 50% multiple GPU scaling (SLI sux), and out 50% of a year before nvidia

SLI and Crossfire both scale pretty much the same these days...

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so kepler will be 50% faster, 50% more expensive and probably 50% more power hungry (last two are just based on transistor count)

Where as 7970 have 50% more memory, more than 50% multiple GPU scaling (SLI sux), and out 50% of a year before nvidia

45% faster, and it's gonna cost $650 whereas the HD 7970 costs $550 which is less than 20% more (a far cry from 50%), there is no information to support your claim about power requirements, does anyone really need 3GB video memory (aside from those of us spending $1000+ on monitors, who usually get dual cards at a minimum), I'd like to see some numbers on your "SLI sucks claim", and I have no idea how you measure the date as a percentage :rofl:


I definitely agree with the AMD fanboi comment

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I think saying over 300 is a little misleading, as that basically includes any game that uses the PhysX platform for physics.

So that includes any titles that only use the software implementation (i.e. doesn't matter if you have an Nvidia GPU or not), and also Xbox 360 and PS3 titles that use the engine too.


There are some games that implement the GPU accelerated version pretty well, but the number still isn't huge.

Still looking forward to seeing it make more of a difference in more games.


I was saying that as a general statement for the supported number of the platform itself. If you break it down to hardware based on saying only on PC with the GPU you would still be well over a 100+ titles.

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