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Fan Silencing


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We actually tested these and did not due a review because they made no difference. Fans at low you would not expect a difference but even a high speed fan cranked up made no real difference.


Before you rush to get a fan controller look at a PWM splitter and if your motherboard supports a few PWM enabled headers use those instead. that way the fans will be quiet when the computer is not working hard and crank up as needed.


Another thought for you is that you might not need to bother. Many quality cases today offer enough cooling at low fan speeds to get awesome results. I would think a Cosmo 2 would be one of those, set the fans to low and enjoy.

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I would suggest those pads for fan rpm over 2000, but only when installed on every case fan because sound is logrithmic so that one sound that is noticeably higher than another is 10x the previous sound for people. I made two out of the packaging material from pc components I purchased (see my gallery). I slightly notice a decrease in vibration I feel with my finger from the fan side compared to the case side.

Fans at 1850 rpm are wisper quiet which is great for gaming, but to enjoy a movie or tv show the rpm will need to be 1600 rpm which is silent. I have a 2500 rpm rad fan with a variable resistor so I just checked.

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Also to note: You could just use rubber washer/grommets instead.. pick them up for like a nickel at the hardware store.



No. Only way to 'silence' fan is to use speed controller & slow them down.




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Like everyone said, it is pretty much a waste. Get a fan controller. Since you are getting the Cosmos 2 and I assume some of your fans will be in push pull configuration, this would be a nice easy option http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811998091


A very good controller link provided by Tjj. WOuld be more than enough for any cabinet. 12 fans!

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Yeah also as they stated above. Fan Controller. I did mention the rubber washers.

I should note I have had a few PC's and I have built a lot more PC's and I have never had a fan that did not screw into a case tight enough to cause any vibrations.

So even the rubber washers would be a waste of money and would not really do much.

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