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RIP Megaupload


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They broke the law enough said... I have no sympathy for them..,



Don't get me wrong I don't want to see SOPA and PIPA pass, but we still need to fight against piracy.


No we don't. The amount of people that pirate is so insignificant it doesn't even matter. The reality of the situation is that people will pirate through whatever means necessary. People used to just tape the radio and make mix tapes. They were crappy as hell, but it was still pirating. The only difference is now it is digital. Even if we loose all of digital pirating, we will still go back to analog.


Since pirating will happen whether we want it to or not why fight it? It is no more illegal than illegal immigration, and California along with other states I can't seem to think of are freakin safe zones. I mean people act like piracy is this evil sinful thing, but it is barely a scratch on the surface of illegal things people get away with.


Here is the argument to sum up why what the US government did was wrong ten fold over in my mind. AIG steals millions of dollars from tax payers and the CEOs laugh all the way to the bank while the government looks the other way. Mega Upload steals millions of dollars from justin beiber and because they have a few servers in america they get arrested???? The difference is that Mega upload was pirating and the word pirating is marketable. That is really about it. Until our government can screw its head on right and stop being such a bunch of old greedy hypocritical Pieces OS and arrest every other little evil F'er in this country, then they should put mega upload back up and give them a full pardon with a charming gift basket on the side.

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No we don't. The amount of people that pirate is so insignificant it doesn't even matter. The reality of the situation is that people will pirate through whatever means necessary. People used to just tape the radio and make mix tapes. They were crappy as hell, but it was still pirating. The only difference is now it is digital. Even if we loose all of digital pirating, we will still go back to analog.


Since pirating will happen whether we want it to or not why fight it? It is no more illegal than illegal immigration, and California along with other states I can't seem to think of are freakin safe zones. I mean people act like piracy is this evil sinful thing, but it is barely a scratch on the surface of illegal things people get away with.


Here is the argument to sum up why what the US government did was wrong ten fold over in my mind. AIG steals millions of dollars from tax payers and the CEOs laugh all the way to the bank while the government looks the other way. Mega Upload steals millions of dollars from justin beiber and because they have a few servers in america they get arrested???? The difference is that Mega upload was pirating and the word pirating is marketable. That is really about it. Until our government can screw its head on right and stop being such a bunch of old greedy hypocritical Pieces OS and arrest every other little evil F'er in this country, then they should put mega upload back up and give them a full pardon with a charming gift basket on the side.


I think they have to draw the line some ware I'm not a supporter of SOPA or DRM but the problem with just ignoring piracy is that eventually people will think there's nothing wrong with pirating and use that is there only method of obtaining digital media/software which has happened in some country's with weak copyright law.


The supposive reason the government gave bailouts to the banks is because some of those companies in the financial industry are so big that if they go down they will take out a lot of companies with them which would hurt the economy although I don't think they were being fully truthful but there is a difference between mega upload and the bailouts.

Edited by fire_storm

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No we don't. The amount of people that pirate is so insignificant it doesn't even matter. The reality of the situation is that people will pirate through whatever means necessary. People used to just tape the radio and make mix tapes. They were crappy as hell, but it was still pirating. The only difference is now it is digital. Even if we loose all of digital pirating, we will still go back to analog.


Since pirating will happen whether we want it to or not why fight it? It is no more illegal than illegal immigration, and California along with other states I can't seem to think of are freakin safe zones. I mean people act like piracy is this evil sinful thing, but it is barely a scratch on the surface of illegal things people get away with.


Here is the argument to sum up why what the US government did was wrong ten fold over in my mind. AIG steals millions of dollars from tax payers and the CEOs laugh all the way to the bank while the government looks the other way. Mega Upload steals millions of dollars from justin beiber and because they have a few servers in america they get arrested???? The difference is that Mega upload was pirating and the word pirating is marketable. That is really about it. Until our government can screw its head on right and stop being such a bunch of old greedy hypocritical Pieces OS and arrest every other little evil F'er in this country, then they should put mega upload back up and give them a full pardon with a charming gift basket on the side.



Its illegal, that is why. Policing agencies exist to uphold the law. How would you like it if someone came into your place of work and just took a good or service that you provided? Don't get me wrong I think Hollywood and the entertainment industry is far overpaid. They should get paid for what they do. I am not saying we can stop all online privacy, no I realize that is impossible. The key here is that the reluctant entertainment industry needs to be more innovative with its products and services. For example look at Blizzard, they encourage people to buy their games as they have a robust online system. Look at Netflix, a once great online service cut and slashed by the non-innovative entertainment industry. If the industry would be more open to new ideas and innovative that discourages people from illegeally obtaining these things they would win many more battles... Its winning the hearts and minds of the consumers and making sure that they feel like they are getting their money worth.

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Its illegal, that is why. Policing agencies exist to uphold the law. How would you like it if someone came into your place of work and just took a good or service that you provided? Don't get me wrong I think Hollywood and the entertainment industry is far overpaid. They should get paid for what they do. I am not saying we can stop all online privacy, no I realize that is impossible. The key here is that the reluctant entertainment industry needs to be more innovative with its products and services. For example look at Blizzard, they encourage people to buy their games as they have a robust online system. Look at Netflix, a once great online service cut and slashed by the non-innovative entertainment industry. If the industry would be more open to new ideas and innovative that discourages people from illegeally obtaining these things they would win many more battles... Its winning the hearts and minds of the consumers and making sure that they feel like they are getting their money worth.

What do you mean "illegal, that's why."


You know, a lot of you just don't seem to understand something about the law, it isn't always right. Let's take at a law in your own state as an example.


The serving of colored oleomargarine or margarine at a public eating place as a substitute for table butter is prohibited unless it is ordered by the customer.


Now tell me, for what reason is that illegal? Do you honestly feel like that's a good law?


You know, it's fine if you agree with the law, but don't talk about the law as if it is the right thing and there are no other options.


Also, the industries aren't innovative because they're a bunch of greedy slobs. Why should anyone care what happens to a bunch of greedy slobs? You guys sit around talking about how the industry should get paid for it's work but everyone knows musicians don't make their money off of CDs, record companies do and they aren't necessary in order to make music.


Here are some examples of musicians that actually love what they do and make money off of it. Brad Sucks, Pretty Lights, and Josh Woodward.


These are people that are actually being innovative in the music industry, it's already happening, it's obvious how it's done, the big labels just aren't willing to cooperate because it means they won't make nearly as much money.


I posted about this in a different thread but I just want to bring up how pirates make money off of material they pirate. Through advertising, google ads, etc. Now if you will take a look at the Brad Sucks website, and you don't have an adblocker, you will see that he has ads, in this case, Brad is his own pirate. He cut out everyone else, there is no longer a record company, no longer a person that can steal his music and profit off of it, because he's doing all of that himself. That is innovation.


Now I'm sure you're wondering, where are all the ads on the other sites? Well the other sites don't have ads, they probably could have ads, but they choose not to. They, and Brad Sucks does this as well, offer there music for free but also encourage their fans to buy their music if they like it, and seeing as how these sites have been around for some years now, I would say it's an effective business model.


So take a look at those sites, those artists, and again tell me that piracy is killing the industry.

Edited by Deathmineral

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What do you mean "illegal, that's why."


You know, a lot of you just don't seem to understand something about the law, it isn't always right. Let's take at a law in your own state as an example.




Now tell me, for what reason is that illegal? Do you honestly feel like that's a good law?


You know, it's fine if you agree with the law, but don't talk about the law as if it is the right thing and there are no other options.


Also, the industries aren't innovative because they're a bunch of greedy slobs. Why should anyone care what happens to a bunch of greedy slobs? You guys sit around talking about how the industry should get paid for it's work but everyone knows musicians don't make their money off of CDs, record companies do and they aren't necessary in order to make music.


Here are some examples of musicians that actually love what they do and make money off of it. Brad Sucks, Pretty Lights, and Josh Woodward.


These are people that are actually being innovative in the music industry, it's already happening, it's obvious how it's done, the big labels just aren't willing to cooperate because it means they won't make nearly as much money.


I posted about this in a different thread but I just want to bring up how pirates make money off of material they pirate. Through advertising, google ads, etc. Now if you will take a look at the Brad Sucks website, and you don't have an adblocker, you will see that he has ads, in this case, Brad is his own pirate. He cut out everyone else, there is no longer a record company, no longer a person that can steal his music and profit off of it, because he's doing all of that himself. That is innovation.


Now I'm sure you're wondering, where are all the ads on the other sites? Well the other sites don't have ads, they probably could have ads, but they choose not to. They, and Brad Sucks does this as well, offer there music for free but also encourage their fans to buy their music if they like it, and seeing as how these sites have been around for some years now, I would say it's an effective business model.


So take a look at those sites, those artists, and again tell me that piracy is killing the industry.



Dude, its like j-walking, sure you might get a ticket, but its not like your going to jail. You still broke the law...



With Musicians their own industry isn't even fair to them. The studios only pay most musicians pennies on the dollar for royalties. Piracy doesn't help the individual musician who is trying to get by. Only a small percentage of musicians or artists are making the big bucks with their billboard topping songs. Sure those people don't need to worry about piracy. Its really the other 90% of musicians that concern me... Sure your seeing a new revolution of interdependent labels kinda going back to the golden age where we had thousands of record companies in the US. Which is good, but not everyone can afford to startup an indy label. My cousin for example just signed with Capital, they are a small group trying to make it mainstream, they just had their first tour and are really pushing to try to make it. They aren't making any real money... How dose piracy not affect him? While word of mouth can be a huge help for a band starting out, it can also be the death of them. Piracy creates a smaller pool of which the big record companies can pay their artists. What motivation is there than to try to make it in that industry?


Music has become more and more dull since the 1970s. There are a few good breakouts, but besides that it is the same song over and over again. Dubstep wtf is that techno rip off cr ap, they just add more bass and call it a new genre... Rap vs hip hop... same freaking thing. I spent a whole semester studying the history of music and the record companies here in the US, and let me tell you there is very little in the way of innovation from the record industry.



Don't get me wrong there are all sorts of stupid laws in the country, heck its illegal in MO to have oral .... In kansas city Minors are not allowed to purchase cap pistols, however they may buy shotguns freely. I mean these are obviously laws people wont goto jail for, but they are still illegal.


Piracy is steeling and I really don't see how one could say it isn't your welcomed to try though...

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Piracy doesn't help the individual musician who is trying to get by.


Oh hell yes it can! Musicians make money from shows, band paraphernalia, etc. Piracy (whether endorsed by the artist or not...though is it really piracy if it is?) spreads new music EXTREMELY quickly into markets it would probably never have gone.


I'm not saying it always helps but it's hard to deny the exposure one can get on the internet.

Edited by Waco

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I'm not saying it always helps but it's hard to deny the exposure one can get on the internet.



As I tried to explain in my previous post...



Its up to the individual artist though if that is the route they wish to take. If they don't then people shouldn't be pirating their music...


Some artists like Trent Reznor, or the guys from Radiohead have released albums online for free, by all means download! Internet exposure is great! Piracy however doesn't give the artist to make that choice. If a band doesn't want to release their music for free, that is there business.



Its like this, every time a song is played on the radio, in a TV show, etc the artist receives a royalty. These royalties are usually small sometimes only pennies. However with each play they add up... Now on the internet an artist cannot receive that royalty all the time, some sites like Youtube have worked with the record companies to pay out those royalties. This is how the industry has worked for almost 100 years. Its an adequate way of doing business. The record and entertainment industry needs to figure out a new way. I strongly think that subscription based services are the way to do that. A small monthly fee for unlimited content still adds up, but gives the consumer a sense of value. It isn't a way to stop piracy, but it can convince the average joe, to make a small payment for a legal service, instead of taking the risk and being caught for using illegal services...



Pirated goods have been around for a long time, people have been copying goods since the beginning of time. With new technology it makes it easier. Like I have been saying it shouldn't be a fight on piracy companies need to be ahead of the technology curve and offer services and products that persuade consumers to be legit.

Edited by greengiant912

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