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Liquid Cooling Tubing

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Hey so I was looking into getting a new comp and well I do things big you could say :/ my last comp cost 6grand and this one is looking to be around 3.2.... now i know a lot of people will be tearing there hair out becuase my "old" comp is still regarded as top of the line, but hey I don't care. So anyways my questions are, Where can I get red tubing? And what is a good reservoirs? I could probably easily find the reservoir but hey im lazy and cant be bothered finding one that will fit a 1/2' ID ( well cant be bothered atm its 2am and im tired from work)...


I'm after the red tubing because i would rather use distilled water for the coolant as its cheap and it generally better than pumping dyes into your coolant (or am I mistaken :-/ ) and I dont want it to look boring so I opted for red as it will look nice in my Corsair 800D...


I hope someone can help me, the parts dont need to be located in Australia provided I can get them shipped over here, thank you in advance.




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Frozen CPU ships to aus mate but they whack $150-200 in shipping costs minimum.


You don't have the largest selection at pccasegear but they still have enough stuff to put together decent water-cooling setups. Unfortunately no red tubing, black, clear uv blue and matt white instead.


You may find they don't put the same cost on shipping for a smaller order from the states, of just tubing but on a full loop it's $150+


There is also this place


A small Aussie bussiness run by a guy from OCAU I haven't used him but apparently he is good.


Hop on OCAU and should be able to find out all you want.

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most scientific lab supply companies sell tygon & higher grade tubing. you might get lucky depending on the area you live in, but will be way cheaper than buying "pc watercooling tubing" which is the same but more expensive


pumping dyes arent an issue if you clean your setup out. however they are likely to stain tubing, and after a while when i was using some petras uv, it was building a little crumwad of particles in the copper inside of the cpublock


as for the resevoir, i had a little switched res, and a ddangerden dual bay, although the dual bay looked waay better, it didn't help keep the waters ambient temperature down as much as i had thought it would.

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Petra's will ship internationally. I didn't see red either on their site but if you can't find any other places send them an email. They might even track some red stuff down for you and ship it. Nice guys to buy from.

Edited by Raiderfan001

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