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Folding again!

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I have to say, it's nice to be using a proper rig again. For about six weeks, all I had to use was a 1.8ghz Toshiba lappy.


+1 welcome back :cheers:


Congrat's on new rig. :thumbsup:




Feel your pain. :blush:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nice. I've only been using the CPU client because the GPU client has not been working for me...


Me too, but no GPU because mine sux, lol.



Welcome back :foldon:


Just past Dingaling...everyone passed at this point is a milestone...4 mil a long way off :wacko:

Edited by ivangela

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I just started folding again, temp is getting down as fall sets in so i will be getting some gpu folding going. No cpu until i break and get a half decent cooler. Or win one, it is the season of contests after all.

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10k ppd? dang... i finished building a pc for a friend with a 2500k and i found that its roughly 10% slower at stock speeds compared to my overclocked @ 4.2ghz 6 core amd... how much does that suck for me.. my cpu does around 12k ppd.. over clocked under water lol and i bet urs is standard yer? hahah i need a new rig!

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