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Question on Temps


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So I finally got my new computer built up this weekend and ran into a few snags - temp being one of them. It is kinda depressing me how high it is, so figured I would share and see if anyone has any ideas.


- 2500k (@stock ...for now till I can figure this out)

- H80 ...with this fan as the inner radiator fan and Noctua NT-H1 TIM


I used only a small dot of the NT-H1 - not quite the size of a grain of rice. Noctua recommends 4-5mm ...it may have been that size or 3-4mm. They also recommend twisting the HSF, but with the way the H80 mounts it really isn't possible to do that.


Room Ambient Temp = 27.5C


Results - at first my BIOS was reporting 40-45C :whoa: - then I flashed the BIOS last night with the latest version available and now it reads 30-34. Which I am still not happy with. Well I am super happy I dropped 10C just by updating my bios which seems to suggest it wasn't very good at reading temperature. But I was expecting better from the H80.


Should I try reseating the H80 with more thermal paste? Think the fan I picked out is too weak for the task? I currently have the H80 set to the highest speed but it is so damn quiet compared to my previous builds that I am not sure it is really running at full speed despite the indicator. Even with the side panel off this machine is so damn quiet I really have hard time believing my fans are running at full speed. There are 4-5 plugs I found in my case that aren't labeled leading from the front i/o panel. I am guessing for the fan controller but the plugs look bigger than than standard fan plugs and are female only.



Ideas are welcome ;)

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Thats only a delta of 3c-7c which isnt bad at all.



also, how do you have the H80 setup.. is it pulling cool air from outside the case or pusing the case air out?




you will never get the cpu below room temp if that is what you are going for.. extreme cooling is needed for that.

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Thats only a delta of 3c-7c which isnt bad at all.

also, how do you have the H80 setup.. is it pulling cool air from outside the case or pusing the case air out?

you will never get the cpu below room temp if that is what you are going for.. extreme cooling is needed for that.

All very true.

Although I discovered that when my fans on my DCII Asus cards got stuck on 100% at idle they went 2C below ambient (measured with digital thermometer).


Op your cooling is good as has been said your core temps are not high if you wan't to a much larger improvment in cooling sandwige your h80 between two Delta PFB1212UHE 120x38mm Ultra High Speed - 252 CFM at 100%. Which is a tad ridiculous, the fan you have currently is alright. Especially with an ambient temp of 27C also how well ventilated is the location of your pc.

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First thanks for the responses :)


The default configuration of the case (which i didn't change) is that the front 200mm fan pulls and the upper 200mm pushes. So since the air is cooler inside the case I have the inner rad fan pulling to the radiator with 2nd fan (near the case wall) pushing.


Back Wall:


| <=[]<=



Currently I have the PC sitting on top of my desk next to my monitor, which does get kinda warm/hot and the back end of the case is exhausting into the back wall of my desk. Kinda hard to describe without a picture. :P It probably isn't the best setup - though I have put the PC out in the open but it didn't seem to have any effect on the temperature - granted that was when I had the old BIOS and temps were reading in the 40s.


I thought fer sure the H80 would get the CPU around 28C on idle. I haven't done a full load test because I am still looking for some good software that can read temps while in windows. I haven't heard of hte program Coretemp so I will look into that some more when I am home. Is there a good one that also displays GPU Temp?


If the bios temp readings are accurate now, it actually shows my MB temp being higher than my CPU temp. Last Night during the middle of program/driver installs:

MB = 34C

CPU = 33C


With these tempatures what kind of OC do you guys think I can get away with?

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For chipset temps and general motherboard temperature I go with hardware monitor. WWW.alcpu.com. for video cards I would get the complete overclocking utility such as Msi afterburner or evga precision tuner for nvidia. I'm not sure on ati cards so someone back me up please. Catylyst control center maybe..... but the load tested start out with prime95 and do blend tests for a while. This will burn in the Tim and will also give you an idea for the normal temps your chip will run.

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What graphics card/cards do you have? I have recently noticed that i get a 3C difference between the inbuilt monitor of the asus rog gpu tweak (modded msi afterburner with incorporated asus rog skinned gpu-z) and speedfan. My best advice is to run a few monitors avia64, msi afterburner, speedfan, coretemp and real temp gt, anything that differences by greater than 3C to the other readings I would discount and then take and average of the other read outs it should provide you with the most accurate temp for different parts of your system.


Also it was a little unrealistic to expect 28C idle with ambient of 27C if ambient was down around 20-22C then 28C is more likely what you will idle at with your H80 provided it isn't recycling too much hot air from graphics cards.

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I will checkout Hardware Monitor. While I was looking up programs I saw one forum (forget which) where they compiled some information around the web as well as Intel's official statement saying all temp monitoring programs are wrong as they will never know what the real TJMAX is. So they don't recommend any program ...officially, but their 2500/2600 OC Club states all temps must be recorded in Real Temp 3.67 with screenshots provided as proof. The odd thing is the company that owns Real Temp only has up to 3.60 as their current download - so you get the 3.67 version from Gigaflopd.


So I guess I will look into Real Temp, possibly CoreTemp, Hardware Monitor and EVGA precision ...since I own an EVGA GTX 570.



Maybe 28C was unrealistic but I also didn't know my room was that warm till I checked my portable thermostat before making the post. Even though I am not doing a real WC solution, I still thought I could beat my other machines ...which also idle around 32-34C on air. That is why I thought the H80 should be able to lower it to below 30. Was surprised to see that my motherboard temperature is higher than my CPU ...so I guess the H80 is doing its job and the only thing I truly should worry about is my MB temp.

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Common misconseption about water cooling.. it typically wont drop the idle temps that much but has a grater affect on load temps. Thats why most people will has what your load temps are...


That and the air inside your case is typically warmer then the air outside... so if the rad id hooked up to an exhaust rather then in intake you will see slightly warmer temps (though the difference may be very small)..

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So I finally got my new computer built up this weekend and ran into a few snags - temp being one of them. It is kinda depressing me how high it is, so figured I would share and see if anyone has any ideas.


- 2500k (@stock ...for now till I can figure this out)

- H80 ...with this fan as the inner radiator fan and Noctua NT-H1 TIM


I used only a small dot of the NT-H1 - not quite the size of a grain of rice. Noctua recommends 4-5mm ...it may have been that size or 3-4mm. They also recommend twisting the HSF, but with the way the H80 mounts it really isn't possible to do that.


Room Ambient Temp = 27.5C


Results - at first my BIOS was reporting 40-45C :whoa: - then I flashed the BIOS last night with the latest version available and now it reads 30-34. Which I am still not happy with. Well I am super happy I dropped 10C just by updating my bios which seems to suggest it wasn't very good at reading temperature. But I was expecting better from the H80.


Should I try reseating the H80 with more thermal paste? Think the fan I picked out is too weak for the task? I currently have the H80 set to the highest speed but it is so damn quiet compared to my previous builds that I am not sure it is really running at full speed despite the indicator. Even with the side panel off this machine is so damn quiet I really have hard time believing my fans are running at full speed. There are 4-5 plugs I found in my case that aren't labeled leading from the front i/o panel. I am guessing for the fan controller but the plugs look bigger than than standard fan plugs and are female only.



Ideas are welcome ;)

Flashing a bios does not lower temps on a 2500K.

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