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I think I just dropped out of college today.


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If you're studying a major that's worth a damn, it's not going to be a lot of fun. Sure, you may enjoy the material, but it's a lot of work. I wouldn't consider yourself a drop-out. If you do decide to stop taking classes, just stop - FOR NOW. Take a break and get a s***ty minimum wage job for a year or two while trying to live on your own.


That will make you want to go back to college, I'm sure!

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My friend was a CS major...couldn't pass a particular programming class....tried again, but didn't like it, so then he took a semester off and changed majors when he came back. Just take some time off to clear your mind and figure out what you want to do with your life. There's no rush.

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CS is definitely not for everyone. What are your plans now? Just because CS didn't work out doesn't mean that you should drop out completely.


This is a good suggestion. I had numerous friends who dropped from CS to IT, one even went to Hotel and Restaurant Management. Some went computer majors to art majors. You just need to find what you like.


If you're studying a major that's worth a damn, it's not going to be a lot of fun. Sure, you may enjoy the material, but it's a lot of work. I wouldn't consider yourself a drop-out. If you do decide to stop taking classes, just stop - FOR NOW. Take a break and get a s***ty minimum wage job for a year or two while trying to live on your own.


That will make you want to go back to college, I'm sure!


The first year of my major, computer engineering, was like this. There were a lot of courses with a lot of work. The point was to kind of weed out the people who wouldn't be able to handle the harder classes with the harder work.

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I skipped going to uni this year. Finished up school last year did very well on just brains, I hate study, prefer my projects.

It was funny watching others studying and stressing while I took it probably a little easy. Still I got my first uni preference in first round offers and start electrical engineering next feb.

I deferred for 12 months because after 12+ years of school it's nice to have a change. So I went and did a short course in installation of aftermarket car accessories at one point I was working 2 days labouring 2 days work experience and 2 days bumming around just waiting for the cert. Learnt nothing in class new more from my own projects and acing physics at school.

So for me I believe not going to uni (college) straight up after school was the best thing I could have done.


In the end everyone decides what's best for them and shouldn't feel pressured by others. I was told by plenty of people I was an idiot for not going to uni but I feel better for just waiting.

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This is a good suggestion. I had numerous friends who dropped from CS to IT



The OP might actually enjoy IT. In an IT degree your focused more on business and the infrastructure that supports it. With a CS degree usually they spend more time with programming and how computers actually work (circuits, electronics, etc..)



The IT degree I am in, was a two part thing. I got an Associates Degree as a Network Specialist at a local Technical College, then I transferred to a pretty upscale 4 year Private School. The first two years focused a lot on infrastructure and managing that, while these last years are more focused on a lot of the book smarts, and core courses.


I have really enjoyed my schooling. When I took 2 years off, I did a lot of fun stuff. I worked at a Gaming Center in town, and went on the pro-gaming circuit for a while going to a bunch of events across the country. I also found myself sucked into a deep depression after awhile though, that was brought up from boredom. I got tired of playing the same games over and over each day. I spent almost 6 years sucked into WoW, and just found myself getting more and more unhappy. After a failed attempt at a relationship with someone I really cared about, I decided then and there that I was going to live life to the fullest, and for myself. So I enrolled in school hoping to improve myself. Since then, I have met so many people and have made many new friends that I have pulled myself out of this rut I was in.



If you decided to drop out, make sure you drop your classes otherwise they will effect your records negatively. I would highly also recommend that you relook school in a year or so, and start off slow if you decide to go back. I started with only one class and worked my way up each semester until I became fulltime.

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you can be smart like the rest have said or be stupid like me and either work deadend jobs or construction jobs that make you a broken person before your 40 I turn 38 this month been working construction since 2 weeks outta high school and have major back and knee problems. I make decent money I guess $17.30 and hour and I try to work between 50 and 60 hours per week. You also have to understand I have ~16 years with this company. Since i have to randomly travel I can't get back into school, but I wish I could. I would like to have the computer smarts of most of the 15 to 18 yo crowd here, but I don't.

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When I just got of high school a few years back I did something similar to what you did the first year out of high school I was nervous and burnout and had to drop my classes and take a break for a year before signing up and going to college again


When I dropped my classes I decided to peruse a few IT certifications so my mind wouldn't be blank for a whole year and then a year afterword I signed up for classes and know if everything goes well I'm just a couple of classes away from get a 2 year AS degree in IT


I wouldn't abandon the idea of education all together it's unfortunate because not everyone is capable of college/book work but nowadays pretty much all good paying jobs require some type of college degree and a lot of jobs won't even consider you no matter how much experience or skill you have unless you have a college degree

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The OP might actually enjoy IT. In an IT degree your focused more on business and the infrastructure that supports it. With a CS degree usually they spend more time with programming and how computers actually work (circuits, electronics, etc..)


The point of my post was that since he didn't like CS he might try something else, just as several people I know did. They didn't give up, they found something that they liked.


And just for reference, CS degrees typically go nowhere near circuits and electronics, save for an elective or two.

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If you're more into hardware, go into CPE. I'm currently a freshman in college majoring in CPE. If you don't like your major, talk to professors and students. They would gladly help you out.

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Thanks for all the responses guys :D


I think I will just take the year off. Part of the reason I left is my grandpa past away the day before and I just couldn't think. I just wanted to get away from everything.


I would much rather put together servers and crap then program, I like being able to touch what I am doing.

Edited by gabrieltessin

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Sorry to hear about your grandfather mine was like a father to me and I was like a son to him since they had 3 daughters I was ready to beat the crap outta the doctor and anyone else that got in my way I went insane for about 2 days and nearly went to jail to this day there is a decent dent in the elevator door I punched minutes after his passing

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