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need some help again! CELERON


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Good day all!! as most of you guys know my last post was me being shocked by the high clock rate of an Celeron!! so after doing some research i desided to try it for my self.....


i have some cash laying around after i bought my cpu cooler for my gaming pc!! so getting my hands on the parts for the "EXTREME" overclock isn't be a problem, the thing is what motherboard do i use?? :dunno:


im not thinking of going that high maby to about 6GHz...


oky now that that is out of the way!! im not planning to really use the computer just want to see if i to can get a celeron to go that high!!


the only thing i do have is the LN2 thing that keeps the cpu cold and a handy guide of how to install it!! for the rest of what i need to do im clueless... i do know how to overclock its just i dont know how to get it running stable at such high core speeds... :doh:


the CPU i will be using is the celeron 532

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please dont do this.

Liquid Nitrogen (LN2) is a really dangerous liquid, not something to play with.

You will have to have a lot of experience (preferrably from a lab of some sort) and do a LOT of research to even attemt this.

try overclocking with the stock cooler first, then move to water if you are not happy, but LN2 is both expensive and dangerous.

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Oky then I will try with dry ice!! I really want to try this and I know of the dangers that's why I have people watching me and my friend!! But we will try it first with the dry ice and see what we can get of it!! But then do I need to add water or something so that it covers a bigger area in the cooling pot??


Another thing is we do have experience with overclocking just not to that extreme....

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I would go find you a guide but I am on a smart phone for the moment. Just bare in mind there will be much involved in one nights worth of play. LOL. I have done a slush bucket liquid before and got good results so give me till later and ill let you have everything I have learned.

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