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Windows XP 10 years Old

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Mate i have used VISTA long enough to know what it is like, I used it for like 2 years.

It is bad, no doubt about it wat so evr..

I disagree completely.


Vista and 7 are essentially indistinguishable from a hardware requirements standpoint. I don't think Vista is bad at all and I've been using it since it was released (before, even). I honestly don't understand the hate people throw its way except for the "it's cool to hate on Vista" thing that started somehow.


If I had to choose between XP and Vista I'd never choose XP on any relatively modern hardware.

Edited by Waco

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Mate i have used VISTA long enough to know what it is like, I used it for like 2 years.

It is bad, no doubt about it wat so evr..

I've ran Vista since the RC. And W7 since release. Far more then 2 years.


Theres a few reason for Vista (or any OS) to run like crap:


1) old hardware

2) not updated

3) virus/bloatware infected (like most installs from Dell or HP etc that were loaded with extra junk and too many processes running by default)


If you have decent hardware, fully updated build, and a fresh install with no bloatware then Vista will run like a champ.

Edited by Raiderfan001

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Yep XP has stood the test of time, that being said...more machines need Win7, I HATE the XP Windows update when working on people's old computers :(


Standalone updater > Internet Explorer updater


I disagree completely.


Vista and 7 are essentially indistinguishable from a hardware requirements standpoint. I don't think Vista is bad at all and I've been using it since it was released (before, even). I honestly don't understand the hate people throw its way except for the "it's cool to hate on Vista" thing that started somehow.


If I had to choose between XP and Vista I'd never choose XP on any relatively modern hardware.


I've ran Vista since the RC. And W7 since release. Far more then 2 years.


Theres a few reason for Vista (or any OS) to run like crap:


1) old hardware

2) not updated

3) virus/bloatware infected (like most installs from Dell or HP etc that were loaded with extra junk and too many processes running by default)


If you have decent hardware, fully updated build, and a fresh install with no bloatware then Vista will run like a champ.

:withstupid: Yeah Vista loves RAM but if you have 2GB or more it runs just fine. After the servie pack and updates it runs nearly as fast as Windows 7 does.

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:withstupid: Yeah Vista loves RAM but if you have 2GB or more it runs just fine. After the servie pack and updates it runs nearly as fast as Windows 7 does.

Agreed. With a gig it's tolerable but it's certainly usable. The same goes with 7. More is better, to a point.

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XP was definitely a good OS, but it is time to move on :)


My company just recently got all of the systems migrated to windows 7 from XP. I'm guessing one of the main reasons for the move is because we are a large Microsoft partner/reseller. It's hard to sell others things you don't even use yourself. There were a lot of people unhappy with the switch, but most of the complaints are due to relatively weak/old hardware and a very poorly optimized image of Windows 7 (x64 enterprise). They are slowly starting to realize Windows 7 is a good OS.


Personally, I'm thrilled to have windows 7 on my work computer. I rarely have any issues with it, I actually had more issues with XP. I would have a really hard time going back to Windows XP.

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Yep XP has stood the test of time, that being said...more machines need Win7, I HATE the XP Windows update when working on people's old computers :( Standalone updater > Internet Explorer updater :withstupid: Yeah Vista loves RAM but if you have 2GB or more it runs just fine. After the servie pack and updates it runs nearly as fast as Windows 7 does.

I Agree fully , this is the case which makes most run from Vista..



XP was definitely a good OS, but it is time to move on :) My company just recently got all of the systems migrated to windows 7 from XP. I'm guessing one of the main reasons for the move is because we are a large Microsoft partner/reseller. It's hard to sell others things you don't even use yourself. There were a lot of people unhappy with the switch, but most of the complaints are due to relatively weak/old hardware and a very poorly optimized image of Windows 7 (x64 enterprise). They are slowly starting to realize Windows 7 is a good OS. Personally, I'm thrilled to have windows 7 on my work computer. I rarely have any issues with it, I actually had more issues with XP. I would have a really hard time going back to Windows XP.


Yes it is time to move on,

I Used VISTA on Q6600 2.4 4GB DDR3 1600 MHz and a 5770 1GB Hawk card , I dont think this system should have any problem running any OS, dont you think.

But i still found out that VISTA is a soul sucker but where as Win 7 is Far Better.... :)

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For the kids hating on vista they never had too use win me lol. Most of the problems I seen with vista were on the vista home premium. I ran vista ultimate and never had the problems same goes for work where we run vista business.

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For the kids hating on vista they never had too use win me lol. Most of the problems I seen with vista were on the vista home premium. I ran vista ultimate and never had the problems same goes for work where we run vista business.


Hahahaha, Now thats a way for expressing stuff :P

I used Vista when it came , Home was a bit of a drag, but i have to admit, VIsta Ultimate 64-bit was better on the contrary i installed Vista on a Number of system , my friends, family, Most of them had complaints , may be cause their systems were nt up to the mark..

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I disagree completely.


Vista and 7 are essentially indistinguishable from a hardware requirements standpoint. I don't think Vista is bad at all and I've been using it since it was released (before, even). I honestly don't understand the hate people throw its way except for the "it's cool to hate on Vista" thing that started somehow.


If I had to choose between XP and Vista I'd never choose XP on any relatively modern hardware.


I totally agree Waco...VISTA did have it's flaws, however every OS does but it wasnt as bad as everyone says...at first it was hard to find some drivers, but after a few months of it being on the market they were readily available...:D

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