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My university told me summer courses would be starting in the first week of JUNE. I verified this with the online schedule and another student. I decided to take this time to go home and see my parents. I checked online today to see what the exact start date was and... WHAT THE HELL?! classes apparently started on the SECOND OF MAY? That's right- they started classes a MONTH early. I checked my email inbox, no notification there. I checked my personal emails... No notification. I checked my online self-service thing, no notification there either. They changed the schedule with ZERO notification to ANYBODY. It might not have been so bad if it was just a couple days or something, but a freakin' month? The SIAST down the street or the University in the neighboring city is going to be looking pretty damn good if my current University keeps this crap up.


Oh, and just to add to this- I'm not even in the same city. Getting back there from visiting my parents is going to be a six hour drive. That means missing an entire day just for travel time. I've already missed two days of classes without- again without notification- and at the best I'll have missed three days worth due to travel time.

Edited by Miek

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I suggest you check your Summer again. At least at my university there are different periods of Summer classes. We have 12 week long, 10 week long, 8 week long, and two 6 week long sessions of classes. If your university does the same thing then you may actually start your class a month or more after the Summer semester starts. I hope that is the case.

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I suggest you check your Summer again. At least at my university there are different periods of Summer classes. We have 12 week long, 10 week long, 8 week long, and two 6 week long sessions of classes. If your university does the same thing then you may actually start your class a month or more after the Summer semester starts. I hope that is the case.

:withstupid: University of Arizona had several summer sessions, so you may be fine. But I dunno.

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This is a pretty small city (I attend the University of Regina in Saskatchewan). There aren't enough students there to warrant more than one summer session. Courses run from September to January, January to April, and then they're supposed to run June/July. I saw POSTERS around campus advertising "Remember to register for summer courses through June!" But now, they're running for May/June? With classes happening every day of the week (cramming 4 months into 2 months, basically), I've already missed several days worth of classes and I won't be able to even get back to the city for likely up to a week (oh, the joys of not owning a vehicle). At this rate, I'm thinking of just re-registering for the fall instead. I had planned to take 2 courses over the summer and 3 during the regular semester to kind of spread out the workload without having to spend another year there. I guess I could just do a full slate of five classes again. :erm:

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:withstupid: University of Arizona had several summer sessions, so you may be fine. But I dunno.

This. I was in the same position as the OP at UA, and I was mistaken and had my class in the second session rather than the first haha


Oh yeah, and Bear Down and all that :)

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This is a pretty small city (I attend the University of Regina in Saskatchewan). There aren't enough students there to warrant more than one summer session. Courses run from September to January, January to April, and then they're supposed to run June/July. I saw POSTERS around campus advertising "Remember to register for summer courses through June!" But now, they're running for May/June? With classes happening every day of the week (cramming 4 months into 2 months, basically), I've already missed several days worth of classes and I won't be able to even get back to the city for likely up to a week (oh, the joys of not owning a vehicle). At this rate, I'm thinking of just re-registering for the fall instead. I had planned to take 2 courses over the summer and 3 during the regular semester to kind of spread out the workload without having to spend another year there. I guess I could just do a full slate of five classes again. :erm:



Yeah I would just drop the classes then. But defiantly check out if your school has multiple summer sessions. I goto a small liberal arts school and they have multiple summer sessions.



Could be worse, my online class for summer started during finals...

Edited by greengiant912

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My college changed my curriculum without telling me. As I was trying to sign up for classes that were on the sheet, I kept finding more and more that hadn't been offered in a year and 2 years. When I approached the counselers about it, they handed me an "ammended" curriculum with the "new" classes that are expected, but had the nerve to tell me that I was grandfathered in and could graduate under either the old or new curriculum. I looked at the new classes and decided to stick with the OLD curriculum since I was much closer, only to find out that they had cancelled 2-3 classes I needed. I finally got my schedule figured out and 15 credits taken and a week before spring semester, they cancelled 2 of the classes I needed AGAIN due to not enough enrolled students. I scurried to get in different classes only to find that they were all full. At that time, I cancelled ALL my classes at that godforsaken college and seek employment. Now that the employment thing turned out to be a dead turd, I'm going back to school, but definately NOT at the one I was at.


Best of luck to you

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