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Osama bin Laden conspiracy theories

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Who cares if this is a "conspiracy" or all fake or whatever? If it is, what are you going to do? Rebel? Hah. People do that all the time and look what happens to them.


My point is, what if this is all a lie. What is going to be different? Nothing. Complaining about it does nothing, and only makes you sound anti-government.

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So, what do the Muslims think about Christians when they cremate their own dead? That it's okay, because they believe in a different God? No, I highly doubt it.


All war is about religion. Once people realize that and stop the nonsense believing in something someone with some creative thought conjured up in a story, the less wars, hatred, and killing there would be.


Hey Cap - I agree with most of what you've said above - but wanted to correct one thing;

"because they believe in a different God?"


Christians, Jews and Muslims all believe in the same God - although each of the these three major religions have a different spoken name for him. This is primarily due to language and dialect variations.


Muslims = Allah

The one and only God, creator and sustainer of the universe


Christians = God

The english single word translation for the many names he was referred to in both the old and new testaments


Jews = Yahweh (common), Ail, Shaddai, Elohim

Each of the Jewish connotations of the word have different meanings, but the more common ones are;

He who will be

I am

Mighty one

Strong and powerful


Anyway - all naming conventions aside, each religion has it's own theology concerning their belief in who/what God is;


Muslims - Believe that there is only one God (Allah), that Muhammad was God's principle prophet. Most also believe that Jesus was a prophet or a saint, but was not the true "son" of God


Christians - Believe in the Trinity. That God is the head of the trinity and that Jesus was God's true son. Christians also believe in the holy spirit and the manifestation of the Holy Spirit as Christ left on earth


Jews - There are so many different sub-classifications of Jewish practice that it would be impossible to detail all of them here; but primarily all Jews believe in one true God - but dismiss that Jesus was his one and only son sent to earth to die for mankinds sins - hence they had Christ crucified as a heretic. Of course many Jews endorsed the crucifixion - Jews in the upper castes (especially the priests) were threatened by Christ's teachings and the personal impact it might have on them if the lower caste in Jewish society started believing Jesus' teachings. Face it........ Christ message to the Jews and Gentiles in his days of ministry were very threatening to anyone in power - up to and including the Roman government in place at the time.


Way off topic, but needed to get in my daily religious education instruction :)


Sorry about that - nah, not really :)

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Correct, but let me add something to it.

They also believe different things about God,


Christians in a personal God,

Muslims in an impersonal Judge,

Jews(not 100% on this one) in a distant father figure,


Christian: Belive in Jesus etc, and you will go to heaven.

Muslims follow the Koran and you might go to heaven.

Jews i dont know much about modern Judaism.


Christian picture of God: loving creator, who loves unbelievers, but hates their sin.

Muslim picture of God: Judge, who hates unbelievers and their sin. (least ways thats the impression i get from all this jihad stuff "kill the heathen" and all that)


Not a hundred percent accurate but that is my general impression.

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There are more than those three religions. There are different religions and Gods people believe in. Those three just happen to have more followers that destroyed and converted other civilizations and cultures that believed in something else.


You can say that the interpretation of those three religions's have a different perspective of God's decree on mankind through Jesus, Moses, or Muhammed... the way they are worshipped distinctly distinguishes them as being the same God, but with different personalities and who the "chosen" people are, thus in reality can also be considered as being different Gods. They just happen to be diverged from one another, much like different denominations, in order to influence those in a particular region more over the other.


Just look at the term, "God bless America", because God favors us more than any other country. Americans believe in Freedom of Religion, but ironically, those that believe in religion, most times their God tells them they shouldn't worship any other God. Thus, if you think about it, America is a heretic nation, and why God would bless a nation that allows people to freely worship whatever God they want (which goes directly against His command) is just plain rediculous.


At any rate, this is silly, I'm arguing about whether different make-believe entities that people believe in are the same or different, when they are all just make-believe.

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Does anyone think Osama bin Laden's death smells fishy to you? He was found in Pakistan hidden underground, shot in the head, then buried at sea. Oh, btw, the proof is that "the government" matched his DNA with his long-dead sister. No pictures? No media availability to showcase his dead corpse? What's the hurry for burying him at sea? He's not going anywhere, and why bury him at all? Leave his body out to rot. Who's going to protest? The Muslim terrorists that are already trying to kill us? Fishy, I say.



Osama bin Laden has been a scapegoat (dead or alive), to justify U.S. government control over whatever it wants. Much more realistic than a guy evading multiple countries for nearly a decade in the Information Age.


I'm writing a piece on the conspiracy of Osama bin Laden's death for my student newspaper, would you be willing to chat to me about it/be interviewed about it? You can remain anonymous if you like.

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Who cares if this is a "conspiracy" or all fake or whatever? If it is, what are you going to do? Rebel? Hah. People do that all the time and look what happens to them.


My point is, what if this is all a lie. What is going to be different? Nothing. Complaining about it does nothing, and only makes you sound anti-government.

I agree with this. I've seen some comments on here so far about a lot of this stuff and some of them say stuff about how there would be rioting and chaos if the government made all of this up but really, our country doesn't do that. When was the last time you heard of a major riot in the US? You hear about things like that in many other countries, like Egypt, Libya, various African countries, sometimes even a place like the UK, but it doesn't really happen in the US, people here are far too tame and content with their lives to do something like that.

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What I don't get, is that someone decided to adhere to the 24-hour time period burial to appease the Muslims, but the ones we want to appease don't believe Osama was a good Muslim, anyway. Some Muslim scholars say we broke Sharia Law, and we didn't apply the 24-hour rule for others. Fishy.


Once the nation opens their eyes and realizes why they're living in poverty in order to feed the greed of a few while sacrifiicing their loved ones by being Patriotic to a fake cause, it can have a domino affect. As individuals, we're helpless. As a people, we can make a change. Those in control of our government own the media, own the armament of our military, own the fuel... our nation is controlled by the military industrial complex. We're no longer a democracy. Hell, I don't care that much to rebel because I'm making good money, because I know how to play the game. I'm content. I'm sure there are plenty out there that aren't, though.


"The earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs, but not every man's greed." - Gandhi

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Once the nation opens their eyes and realizes why they're living in poverty in order to feed the greed of a few while sacrifiicing their loved ones by being Patriotic to a fake cause, it can have a domino affect. As individuals, we're helpless. As a people, we can make a change. Those in control of our government own the media, own the armament of our military, own the fuel... our nation is controlled by the military industrial complex. We're no longer a democracy. Hell, I don't care that much to rebel because I'm making good money, because I know how to play the game. I'm content. I'm sure there are plenty out there that aren't, though.


I don't know if that will ever happen any time soon


The problem is most people in this country and most countries around the world could careless about what happens in the rest of the world as long there little peace of it is unaffected they will choose to pretend like nothing bad is happening

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Once the nation opens their eyes and realizes why they're living in poverty in order to feed the greed of a few while sacrifiicing their loved ones by being Patriotic to a fake cause, it can have a domino affect. As individuals, we're helpless. As a people, we can make a change. Those in control of our government own the media, own the armament of our military, own the fuel... our nation is controlled by the military industrial complex. We're no longer a democracy. Hell, I don't care that much to rebel because I'm making good money, because I know how to play the game. I'm content. I'm sure there are plenty out there that aren't, though.



It can, but I doubt it will. Very few people will actually care that the system is raping us (if that is the case) and continue their lives because it's comfortable for them.


Side Note: We've never been a Democracy, we are, however, a representative republic :whistling:

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Side Note: We've never been a Democracy, we are, however, a representative republic :whistling:

Glad some one caught that. Problem is even our presidentdoesn't know it. (couldn't find the actual news report but that will do)

How can we get back to a representative republic if even our leader dont acknowledge that we should be one. Currently we are a republic representative of the corrupt/power hungry few, rather than of the masses.

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