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is cheap tim better than stock tim

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i threw on some cheap thermal compound onto a newegg order, becuase i have a stock amd heatsink that runs a little hot and a little loud, is this stuff better than amd's stuff

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i threw on some cheap thermal compound onto a newegg order, becuase i have a stock amd heatsink that runs a little hot and a little loud, is this stuff better than amd's stuff

yes it is if your not going to do someting right why bother doing it at all

Arctic Silver 5 Thermal http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835100007&cm_re=artic_silver_5-_-35-100-007-_-Product

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yes it is if your not going to do someting right why bother doing it at all

Arctic Silver 5 Thermal http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835100007&cm_re=artic_silver_5-_-35-100-007-_-Product

AS5 is ok, but cure time is annoying and certainly isn't the best anymore.


Camaro, just use any goop leftover from any of your after market coolers

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well when it gets here in 5-7 days, i will do some experimenting and find out if cheap stuff is better than free included tim, lol, and then put on noctua compound, unless the cheap one does good enough i'll i save my noctua for a future build, im not ocing this as this is going to be a htpc for my brother, the second pc in my signature is the loud pc in question



i might try some coolermaster compound that came with my v6 if i can find the box, i havent thrown a way a single box, anti static bag, or even manual and driver disk, since i started messing with computers, my basement has all kinds of little treasures, except a molex to pci adapter and molex to sata, which is why i was placing an order on newegg in the first place

Edited by camaro_dude15

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I hate how people still think AS5 is the best... Sure it was the best like 6 YEARS ago... Now? I can think of two off the top of my head that are like 2c-5c better than AS5:




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I use Shin Etsu X23-7783D for my OCed i7. I also like the Shin-Etsu G751, and all of the Tuniq tims. Haven't used the TX-4, but the TX-2 and TX-3 were very solid tims, so I'm sure the 4 is solid also!

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