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Haven't played much since finishing Normal on my barb. I think some of the real money items are way too overpriced. Someone on another forum sold an item for $105. Really???? Get out...

Edited by TraptPatriot

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Haven't played much since finishing Normal on my barb. I think some of the real money items are way too overpriced. Someone on another forum sold an item for $105. Really???? Get out...




Yeah honestly I would never spend that much for an item, but some people will... There was a good post awhile back around this idea where you have all these people who grew up with Diablo and are now into good careers were they make a lot of money, but don't have the time to invest into the game. They still want to be able to do things in the game however... I will try and find it as it was an interesting read...



Ive tried to sell a few things, haven't made any money though...

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Haven't played much since finishing Normal on my barb. I think some of the real money items are way too overpriced. Someone on another forum sold an item for $105. Really???? Get out...


Please, on EU we got items selling for 200 Euro lol :lol:

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Haven't played much since finishing Normal on my barb. I think some of the real money items are way too overpriced. Someone on another forum sold an item for $105. Really???? Get out...


Don't ever look into how much hats are sold for in Team Fortress 2 if you think $105 is a lot.

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Gah, nuts. I paid about $30 total for items in D2 for me and a buddy to be able to beat Hell just us two, but I would never pay that much no matter how much I make. 5-10 bucks for a really good item? Sure. But not $105 or 200 euro. Yikes.

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It is an ok game but still doesn't hold a candle to D2.


Inferno is broken for one - act 1 is farmable with decent gear but then you get to act 2 and the tiny little ranged attacks from the first mobs hit you for 20k+ damage. Then you run into an elite pack with a broken combination like Vortex/Mortar/Invuln Minions/Plague and its game over - have to run around them or remake the game if they block your path.


The loot grind is not nearly as variable as in D2 either...Legendaries are for the most part worthless except for a couple lvl 60 ones, and a lot of yellows are far superior to them. No runes, runewords, and limited gem stats make the combinations seem even more simplified. Item inflation is absurd, with the real good end game stuff costing millions upon millions of gold or up to $250 USD. Who can afford a 50 million gold weapon besides botters and professional farmers???


I'm currently farming Act1 inferno to build up some gold/item reserves while hoping 1.03's new drop tables help balance everything out. Its a young game, and economies take time to settle down so its best early up to just take a seat and watch things straighten themselves out. No point in spending 10mill on something that will sell for 3 mill in a month.

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It is an ok game but still doesn't hold a candle to D2.


Inferno is broken for one - act 1 is farmable with decent gear but then you get to act 2 and the tiny little ranged attacks from the first mobs hit you for 20k+ damage. Then you run into an elite pack with a broken combination like Vortex/Mortar/Invuln Minions/Plague and its game over - have to run around them or remake the game if they block your path.


The loot grind is not nearly as variable as in D2 either...Legendaries are for the most part worthless except for a couple lvl 60 ones, and a lot of yellows are far superior to them. No runes, runewords, and limited gem stats make the combinations seem even more simplified. Item inflation is absurd, with the real good end game stuff costing millions upon millions of gold or up to $250 USD. Who can afford a 50 million gold weapon besides botters and professional farmers???


I'm currently farming Act1 inferno to build up some gold/item reserves while hoping 1.03's new drop tables help balance everything out. Its a young game, and economies take time to settle down so its best early up to just take a seat and watch things straighten themselves out. No point in spending 10mill on something that will sell for 3 mill in a month.


You have a lot of good points but one thing you're missing is that D2 had the issue of drops and not that good of uniques when it first launched either. There weren't any exceptional or elite uniques until LOD was released IIRC. Rares were the best until runewords and the better uniques came along.

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You have a lot of good points but one thing you're missing is that D2 had the issue of drops and not that good of uniques when it first launched either. There weren't any exceptional or elite uniques until LOD was released IIRC. Rares were the best until runewords and the better uniques came along.

This is true, I have a tendancy to associate LOD automatically when talking about D2, but D2 had it's fair share of issues as well.


Nothing a patch or two won't fix, but frustrating to have such broken mechanics in a game that was worked on for so long.

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Gah, nuts. I paid about $30 total for items in D2 for me and a buddy to be able to beat Hell just us two, but I would never pay that much no matter how much I make. 5-10 bucks for a really good item? Sure. But not $105 or 200 euro. Yikes.


I bought an ax that doubled my DPS and gave me ~10k life for 50k gold. It felt like the person could have sold it for a lot more. I rolled through the remainder of act 4 on hell with no difficulties after that. I couldn't even beat Rakanoth before that.

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I bought an ax that doubled my DPS and gave me ~10k life for 50k gold. It felt like the person could have sold it for a lot more. I rolled through the remainder of act 4 on hell with no difficulties after that. I couldn't even beat Rakanoth before that.


Yeah, I had similar issue. I had to go buy 2 fists that doubled my DPS. Spent 100k(gold) for both. They did have square rubys as well. Couldn't do anything in hell until I did this. The sad part is I couldn't make or find fists that were good enough while playing.

Edited by InCrYsIs

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