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Surely absurd remarks about AMD?

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Dont get me wrong, I dont think dell will buy AMD. But market analyst have determined that Dell should have plenty enough loose cash to buy AMD if it so wanted to. AMD makes plenty of money but the profits arent that impressive. It takes tons of money to run AMD. look here



for the whole yr of 2010 AMD made 6.5b but didnt even reach 0.5b in profits. This is including the settlement payments from intel. The good news is that 2010 was a monumental yr for AMD as within it was the first quarter AMD turned a profit in 13 quarters (over 3yrs). Really the rumors are very loosely based, it could be completely backwards and AMDs former CEO was the one who wanted to sell and they decided it was time to ejected him? There are tons speculating whats goin on with AMD. And they are all over the place. I kinda like this one, just cause its really out there and deep in thinking:





there is one important thing to remember, the reasons why ppl are coming up with these ideas ...however wild they may seem. AMDs actions arent everyday and is, more likely than not, a sign something pretty big. But it could be anything. You would think we will all find out soon enough but it could turn out to be big board plans or plots that never work out or they never reach final agreements. That a deal doesnt go through, that an idea gets scrapped. That or there will be big changes at AMD in the near future. My bet is that something big is being negotiated, that doesnt mean it will ever really go down. But it is just as likely it will as it wont. There is good reason to think something is up, but what?????????? Only if it goes down will we ever know!

Edited by ocre

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I imagine if it were true Dell PC's would "suck less" than their plain desktop series do right now (AMDTI infusion of coolness) :P




Whatever happens motherboard manufacturers will continue to strive for that enthusiast dollar by the way of "top tier" better-than-average platform/chipset optimisations & re-interpretations... BFWIW I sure hope it's a fairy tale ;)

Edited by tazwegion

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Not likely. Intel has been under lawsuits for paying Dell billions not to use AMD its been going on for a while




(I'm not a fanboy ok i just read when im bored lool)


It just seems wierd that Dell would go and buy AMD after that whole mess but it would be a good business move now that Apple products are carrying AMD graphics in their macbooks they could make a cut on apples and pcs

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Dell buying AMD dosen't make any sense to me. Why would they want to go head to head with Intel,

who already has the lions share of the cpu market, and is one of their primary component suppliers?

A better move for them would be to takover a mobo manufacturer.

That could improve their bottom line in the desktop and laptop market, and also let them move

into the enthusiast market, where they could possibly pickup market share they don't have right now.

The learning curve for Dell to move into processor and chipset manufacturing would be very steep

indeed, whereas the curve for mobo manufacturing would be much less so, since they are already spec'ing

the mobos for their own systems to their current mobo suppliers.

A move like that could help Dell improve their profitability, and allow them to keep their options open

when it comes to choosing processors.

Of course it's all just rumor and speculation 'til it happens.

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Dell is whats wrong with PCs now a days. I work for a company and we had 2 dells and they both failed in a week. Mobo failure. I also had a Dell back in 08 and it failed as well. PSU then the mobo. added to that Alienware could be Epic if it was not owned by Dell. There prices are crazy. I would have bought a alienware Laptop but Asus had the same thing(hardware wise) for 300 dollars cheaper. If AMD is bought by Dell then I don't know what I will do. :cry:


I don't think AMD is really selling though but if they are then anyone but Dell should buy.

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I agree completly, I just can't see Dell buying AMD, I think it would be a stupid move on their part.

But, then again, stranger things have happened.

Maybe it's a ploy to get better pricing from Intel?


edit: Or maybe it's just total fiction.

Edited by Scottike

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An interesting state of affairs. I want to ask about some Intel stuff, but that's a whole different thread! My first two CPU's were Intel and they were the only two to ever go belly up.

Intel is like Microsoft. They say we are the best. Bull****! I hate that attitude. I have come across many comments like this so I swing left to the underdog and usually have more fun in their camp.

I hate Dell for the same reason. They produced a rig and rigged the test so it outperformed the top AMD. Yeah! Right! They probably had half dead 500MHZ processor in the AMD and wouldn't let anybody see it.

Getting back on track, this is like me waiting so chuck my 8800's and buy a 580 or two 560's. The drivers are s**t so I have to wait. Ever had a Dell salesman try to tell you that there laptops are better gamers than an AMD pc? Yeah! Right!

Buy you AMD CPU and an AMD crossfire board (no SLI's left) and enjoy great gaming for the next 12 months. You'll enjoy your savings, especially when you can afford more lollies.

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