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AMD vs Nvidia Dual GPU Release Date Game


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A while ago, Nvidia said they were going to wait for AMD to release it's HD 6990 and seeing how it performs so it can get the upper hand when releasing its own dual GPU graphics card.


Well, it seems AMD is trying to prevent that from happening by delaying their HD 6990 for another month or two while Nvidia will go ahead and release the GTX 590 sometime in mid-March. It seems that it's confirmed that the GTX 590 will sport two GF110 cores (what's in the GTX 580). It's going to be one hot and hungry graphics card!


I think this is a fail for AMD on the dual GPU front. They should have released the HD 6990 in advance. There's no way they're going to beat the GTX 590 in performance. The only advantage was first-to-market and pricing, and now the only advantage AMD would have is pricing.


These high performance card wars are getting rediculous. $500 for a GTX 580 (which can be beat with two overclocked GTX 460 1GB's in SLI for $260). That means the GTX 590 will probably be in the $900 - $1k range, but at least the price for the GTX 580 will go down by $55 (like the pricing for a Sparkle GTX 580 right now).

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3xHD 6970 > 3x GTX 580. Just remember that. 1.5gb x2 on the GTX 590 vs 2gb x2 on the 6990. AMD has the upper hand actually, except if Nvidia decided to throw 3gb per gpu on the GTX 590 which is unlikely. Also Nvidias GTX 590 will have to be EXTREMELY downclocked GTX 580s, you aren't allowed to go over 300 TDP remember? Nvidia are the ones who need to bring something out.


Personally I can't wait for Kepler/Southern Islands (GTX 6xx/HD 7xxx) since this generation and last have not impressed me very much. Only good thing is that Crossfire on AMD's side has become much more impressive, but so has tri sli now if only they added more Vram.

Edited by Krieg1337

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idk, I have been extremely impressed on both side's over the last few gen's! Especially with the efficiency the next gen gpu has shown over the prev gen!




4870 - 3 gens ago top card (4890 was basically just an OC version)


5770 - 2 gens ago mid card (matches the prev gens top card, using less power and heat)


5870 - Top single gpu on the block for awhile a gen ago. (I loved the performance, and in xfire they were solid!)


6870 - This gen mid card ( matches the prev gen top card, using less power and heat! Beats it with the improved xfire scaling running 2)


6970 - AMD has priced their top card nicely, and if you get a deal like I did, you get (2) 6970's for the price of 1 GTX 580, dominating it in performance!




GTX 460 - What do I even need to say, these cards are amazing!


GTX 480 - Put Nvidia back on top of the single gpu scoreboard (only con was the heat and power)


GTX 580 - Exceeds the 480 as the top single gpu (power and heat reduced)


My whole point is that on both sides the next gen card gets more powerful, and does so using less power and heat, increasing efficiency! I know I sound like a broken record, as I have said it before, but if both sides continue to increase power and efficiency with each new gen released, what more can we as comsumers ask for? Lower prices? We wish :biggrin: I so wanted to wait for the 6990, to have to only buy 1 water block! But like you Capi, I agree AMD messed up delaying the release. They should not have even worried about Nvidia on this gen's dual gpu card, especially since the prices are so far apart! You can't beat a 580x2=590 card, so why try! I think they should have just concentrated on marketing a beast card, priced $300-$400 under the 590 and called it a day!

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6970 - AMD has priced their top card nicely, and if you get a deal like I did, you get (2) 6970's for the price of 1 GTX 580, dominating it in performance!

Actually, it would be two 6950's for the price of 1 GTX 580 (though the reference HD 6950's can be flashed to be HD 6970's).


Otherwise, I agree. ;)

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They are not very impressive IMO. Going from an HD 4870 512mb I would see a performance increase but honestly its not worth all the money. I see my brothers HD 6950(Although currently limited by his dual core, for now) and honestly it looks good but not over the top. Next gen will actually be totally new(28nm) so I am expecting something interesting there. I don't know, I am just not a big fan of the current generation cards, too much to choose from I think ^_^

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They are not very impressive IMO. Going from an HD 4870 512mb I would see a performance increase but honestly its not worth all the money. I see my brothers HD 6950(Although currently limited by his dual core, for now) and honestly it looks good but not over the top. Next gen will actually be totally new(28nm) so I am expecting something interesting there. I don't know, I am just not a big fan of the current generation cards, too much to choose from I think ^_^

you should try his card on your system and see if it's alot better

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you should try his card on your system and see if it's alot better


I have no system right now ;). Well except my 5 year old HP :lol:.


He will finish his PC this week, with an X6 1100 and Crosshair IV, so I will get to see the performance first hand. But I will wait for the next gen, just because my HD 4870 can still do what I want it to, play my CoD noob games on High and the rest on medium. Only games that really bother me are Fallout and STALKER, since they seem to get random lag spikes :/

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