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how to stress test graphics cards


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When stress testing Graphics cards some people say you should do it for hours which is all well and fine if you you are looking for crashes .You can just do something else and leave the software on loop for however long.My question is, what about artifacts?How is it posssible to stress test for hours and look for artifacts .What are you supposed to do ,sit in front of the monitor for hours on end ,eyes waterimng ,looking for artifacts.Is there any software that adresses this issue or is it an issue.Have I missed something.


Please,if anybody can shed some light or just offer their thoughts I would be most gratefull.Also tell me about how you go about stress testing,your methods etcI,I am interested in other peoples ways in this area.Thankyou for taking the time to read my little rant and ,as I say,pleases offer any thoughts as I have posed this same question on afew forum sites and no one has offered any thoughts,soltions or anything.

Thanks again,


Edited by greybing

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Crysis is a good game to stress your video card. Many times I have had what I thought to be a stable OC and crysis will crash. I usually notice something goofy with the graphics about 5-10 seconds before the crash so it gives enough time to alt-tab out of the game and lower the clocks a bit.

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Thanks for all your thoughts.I do do all these things and I believe they are valid ways of stresss testing.I am currently playing crysis so I think I will do my spotting for artifacts with this game[software].Furmark is good also,that really pushes your card .

Edited by greybing

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Thanks for all your thoughts.I do do all these things and I believe they are valid ways of stresss testing.I am currently playing crysis so I think I will do my spotting for artifacts with this game[software].Furmark is good also,that really pushes your card .


Crysis is about as good as it gets for stressing a gpu with a game! All that really matters though, is if you can play the games you like, with your overclocks, and everything looks good and no crashes, then those clock speeds are good to go :thumbsup:

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Crysis is about as good as it gets for stressing a gpu with a game! All that really matters though, is if you can play the games you like, with your overclocks, and everything looks good and no crashes, then those clock speeds are good to go :thumbsup:

Nope, try more than just that. Crysis let an unstable overclock slide but C&C3 didnt

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I use OCCT v3.10. It supports SLI and does a good job of making them hot.


I use this as a primer then I play a game or three for an hour or so to do the final stability test.


And no please don't just watch it stress test. watch it while playing the game or benching. :D

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I use OCCT v3.10. It supports SLI and does a good job of making them hot.


I use this as a primer then I play a game or three for an hour or so to do the final stability test.


And no please don't just watch it stress test. watch it while playing the game or benching. :D

yeah,thats what i do

The question is some people say stress test for 4 hours at least .I do not play for 4 hopur periods ,well sometimes when the right game comes along

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The question is some people say stress test for 4 hours at least .I do not play for 4 hopur periods ,well sometimes when the right game comes along

Wel, play for a while stress test for a while then play. Or any combination.

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I just try to do the same thing each time I make a change to my GPU OC since it is important to keep your testing process uniform each time you make a change. It helps to see what's going on when you're only changing on thing at a time and using the same test procedure.


But yeah, I will run furmark (or any stress test for a GPU, really) for a couple hours. Usually I will start it first thing in the morning, go to work for 4 hours, then come home and play a couple games during lunch for a while. This hasn't let me down in the past, so I'll keep sticking with it lol

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