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6870,6950, or 560ti


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So From what anyone knows about dragon age 2 or crysis 2 am i more likely to get higher fps from a stock 560 ti or stock 6950(1gb) ?


Not sure about Crysis 2 of course, but the 1st Crysis favors ATI. I know I went "Red" hoping the same will hold true for the 2nd ;)


EDIT - FYI... those Crysis 2 gpu numbers show DX9! Not sure how many people will be playing it on DX9 :rolleyes:

Edited by SpeedwayNative

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Either way your cpu will most likely slightly bottleneck you.


For 1080p gtx 560ti is your best choice. It beats or is just as good as BOTH the hd 6950s. When you go above 1080p the 560 gets owned. But below its probably the better choice.

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