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OCCT 1hour stable.. Prime95 crashes in minutes?


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I just got my new Prolimatech Armageddon CPU cooler from the contest.. (Thanks OCC).. And I've been holding off doing a lot of stress tests so I don't overheat my CPU. It's been overclocked since day 1, but I just never ran many stress tests. Now I have the cooler on and my CPU at 4ghz. I can run OCCT for 1 full hour with great temps, and get no error reports. But if Prime95 runs for not even 5 minutes, the program stops responding. I don't get any hardware errors or failures or warning... Just the program stops responding. I reinstalled Prime95 and everything..


My computer runs perfect in any game I play, and anything I do.. I'm just wondering how safe/stable is that knowing that OCCT is 1hr stable, but Prime95 stops responding? Thanks.



Plus, can anyone advise me getting to 4.2ghz? I would love to have everything nice an even.. 300 FSB, 1600mhz RAM, and 3000mhz CPU/NB. I can boot to it, but can't keep it stress stable. I'm running 1.475 CPU volts (Cpu-z shows 1.488 - 1.500). 1.325 CPU/NB volts, 1.55 DRAM volts, and auto DRAM timing. CPU, CPU/NB LLC is turned on, CnQ and Turbo Core is disabled, etc. Any advice? 4.2 is the highest I want to go, if I can keep 4.2 stable. I'd be happy. The computer runs on a 300FSB stable, I know that from trying a multipler..

Edited by HoLoDreaM

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well i know that Prime95 will stress more than just your cpu, its possible your ram can't handle it. im not to sure on AMD systems but usually if you boost the ram past 1333 you need to add voltage to the chips memory controller. im sure someone else here has a better understanding of AMD systems

Edited by hornybluecow

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Go into the task manager and see how many hard faults per second you are producing under Prime95. I have has memory do weird things like that when it is unstable so check that first.


Also: Have you adjusted the timings to what the factory rating is in the bios. I have seen weirdness from memory in that way too when they are under there rated speed they will throw out weird timings as a default. And if that fails back off the memory and see what that does. if it stables it out then that is likely your problem.

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Go into the task manager and see how many hard faults per second you are producing under Prime95. I have has memory do weird things like that when it is unstable so check that first.


Also: Have you adjusted the timings to what the factory rating is in the bios. I have seen weirdness from memory in that way too when they are under there rated speed they will throw out weird timings as a default. And if that fails back off the memory and see what that does. if it stables it out then that is likely your problem.


Where exactly do you see the 'hard faults per second'. I'm not seeing it.. I have tried Auto and locked 9-9-9-24. Same thing both times.


3000mhz CPU/NB to high drop the multi so its below 2700MHz


Well, I'm not actually running that right now, it's right about 2800mhz.. I'm just saying if I was to boot to 4.2 it will give me 3000mhz, 300mhz fsb, 1600mhz ram.. I'd like to have those nice round numbers.. Soo, that doesn't apply to my Prime95 problem..




EDIT: I upped my RAM volts from 1.55 to 1.65 and CPU/NB from 1.325 to 1.35.. It's actually running Prime95 blend more than a few minutes, without crashing.. So that's good news, not sure which volt increase really helped it.. But about 10 minutes into it I get Core#6 "hardware failure detected" at CPU temp 45ºC.. So that will be another issue.. Still OCCT stable though!... Maybe a little bit more CPU voltage? I'm running 1.475 in the BIOS, but under load CPU-Z shows 1.512v

Edited by HoLoDreaM

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As far as the memory hard fault counter I forgot to mention that only works (and is eay to find) in windows 7. open your task manager, go to performance, go to resource monitor, if there are alot of memory hard faults per second (lowest graph) then you likely have a ram issue and that would be a cause for the crash.


I think you may need more V-core.. How hot are you right Now?


And also here is the CPU world Data Sheet Linky

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Where is your priorty set at on Prime95? if your using a high priorty (9) , the program will use a lot of system resources and be very, very slow to respond to user input.

It can make it appear that prime is locked up when it's really not, it's just molasses slow to respond.

Just something else to consider, in addition to what others have suggested.

Edited by Scottike

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If it crashes in Prime then it usually needs more volts but this is not the case in this situation since it should only need 1.45v for 4ghz.

Use 286fsb x14 to give you 4ghz . I have not found a stable 4.2ghz setting in my time with the 1055t .

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