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There's Sand in my Bridge

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Update from PCPer (link is in the news section of our home page). MB manufacturers are stating the CPU itself is not faulty. It's the MB circuitry for the SATA 3.0 Gb/s. They're offering MB owners the choice of an RMA'd MB or a standalone six port SATA card.

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I don't see the huge deal over this.


The fix is known and in the works - retailers will take back any affected motherboards / systems - and Sandy Bridge is still BLAZINGLY fast. If you're really that concerned use the Marvell-powered SATA ports on your mobo (since most tend to have them as an extra) instead of the Intel integrated ones in the southbridge. They should be clearly marked on most motherboards.


Also - I've seen around the net that only some P67 boards are affected and it may not affect H67 boards at all...



Announced by Intel this morning, the H series is also impacted unfortunately.

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i read thad , they are having problems with the socket too....



Same thing happened to early 1156 boards that burned pins. Seriously just wait a month before you buy the latest and greatest. Things take time to work the bugs out of.



The socket was from Miahallen over at Techreaction in a blog that was so overblown its not funny. He got a board for review directly from Gigabyte that showed the problem. I have not had a board show this symptom nor do I think it is going to be an issue going forward. Sandybridge does not do well under LN2 so you are not going to see the big volts used on 155 and 1366 based boards. Its an overblown bunch of nothing! Mountain out of a mole hill kind of thing! Something for the doom and gloom crowd to cling to and point at.

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The socket was from Miahallen over at Techreaction in a blog that was so overblown its not funny. He got a board for review directly from Gigabyte that showed the problem. I have not had a board show this symptom nor do I think it is going to be an issue going forward. Sandybridge does not do well under LN2 so you are not going to see the big volts used on 155 and 1366 based boards. Its an overblown bunch of nothing! Mountain out of a mole hill kind of thing! Something for the doom and gloom crowd to cling to and point at.

Good to know. I was getting worried, thinking that I might have to swap to AMD! lol

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sigh... well I just got newegg's notice about this. Glad that they'll replace the boards once revisions are made. In the meanwhile I'm lucky in that I don't have enough devices to worry to much about this both of my hdd's run on the 6gb connectors. Oh well thats what happens when you spring for the new stuff.

Edited by usaweapon777

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You know at least Intel is stepping up and fixing the problem with the SATA controller

Don't suppose they really have much choice, though. If they don't do it, they risk losing a MASSIVE portion of their customers.

They don't have a ton of options :dunno:

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Don't suppose they really have much choice, though. If they don't do it, they risk losing a MASSIVE portion of their customers.

They don't have a ton of options :dunno:

They sure don't. I mean, this Sandy Bridge release is what Intel fans have been waiting. and since it's release customers already bought at least hundred thousands of motherboard, they don't have much choice than fix and replace the motherboard that already purchased like iskout pointed

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