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Help Choosing Amd Mobo

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currently i have an a7v8x-x -_- which i was very unwise to get...although this is just temporary,

1.3 duron going to be a 2500+ soon

hyperx pc 4000

going to be using the sp97 soon


id like to get othe best ocing mobo for my componets possible thx


in comparison how is the jet7 to the sp97? worth the downgrade?

Edited by Mika

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If your going to be taking it to lanpartys and doing serious gaming i would say one of the lanparty series. As for overclocking the lanpartys aren't the best. Or atleast the kt400a wasn't very good. If you want a good overclock i would say abit nf7-s or abit AN7. I have the AN7 myself and it is doing awesome. I'm doing 10.5x205 with pc2700.So it does pretty good

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currently i have an a7v8x-x -_- which i was very unwise to get

I don't know. Mine seems to work fine. If I had some PC3200 RAM and I was in the mood to up my V core, I could hit 200 fsb. But I can't. I have to make this thing last at least a year. I'm allowed one per year. The rest has to come out of my own pocket. Anyway, either the Abit, or an Asus A7N8X Deluxe would be a good choice

Edited by InvaderTrax

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if your looking for the highest possible fsb out of the box the dfi is your best bet, but i think the nf7-s with the volt mod for the chipset voltage is the best ocing mobo going right now. the jet7 is way out clssed by the sp97 sp97 is the best amd heatsink period, but the aerocoooldp-102 and the slk800,900,947 are all good heatsinks too

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