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Do Not Buy A Wireless Microsoft 4000 Mouse


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Edit: Never mind about all this. Turns out there is a massive source of interference at the back of my case. I moved it to the front and now it works like a charm. It would be cool if I could rename the title of this thread to something nicer like "Microsoft mouse very susceptible to interference. "


K1e1v1i1n, I'm sorry if it seemed like I got mad at you. I was more mad at the mouse than anything. It was pretty late in the day for me and I would very disappointed with it.


Waco you are the man. I give you 3000 personal internet points and 3 internet vouchers to spend on all the internets you want.


I like this mouse now that it works. I am very pleased. Buy this Mouse, but if you do put it ate the front of your case.

Edited by gabrieltessin

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rant for nothing . u used a mouse for 5 min and ur damning it ! maybe u need to exchange it for a new 1

I used it for more than an 2 hours, that is long enough to know a product is bad/non functional. The only other one they had was pink and ugly as sin at that.

I am pissed ok? Let me be pissed off. Maybe I am damning it because I received an awful unusable product that for it's suggested retail should be at least usable.


It didn't seem defective even, it just seemed like a bad product.


I'm sorry if I seem like I'm taking things out on you but you basically called my warning to other stupid.

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ya calling something bunk usuly requiers proof. i am not saying its a good mouse but saying it works bad and then saying its just crappy seems like ur not thinking it through. u could have got a bad mouse , the lazer could have been bumped during transport maybe ur mouse serfice sucks , maybe ur used to a ball mouse and u cant handle the speed of a lazer , if it is a lazer mouse. to be honest i dont buy ms mice . anyways hope u get it all sorted out . my advice is spend the money and get a good mouse

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You're clearly getting some kind of interference between the mouse and the receiver - move it closer to the mouse to get rid of the problem.

It is already very close to the receiver, but moved it to the front of my case and holy crap it works like a charm now.

Thanks a lot waco.

Sorry if I got a little mad guys.

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