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ok here we go Folding@home is a script that u install on ur computer that uses ur cpu at 100% cpu usage to process packets of information (WU's or work units) for Stanford University. its all based on protein folding and understanding why protien folding causes some diseases and finding cures for these diseases.

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And the little spinning dna strand under some peoples names mean they run Folding@home on a regular basis.

not necessarily, i t means they've processed one WU and have been added to the OCC folding team.

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not necessarily, i t means they've processed one WU and have been added to the OCC folding team.

well the way theyre suppose to do it is you get the strand when you fold regularly and they take it away when you stop folding.

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what do u mean by the protein? and in the computer?


im really confused...

do u get paid? lol j/w


at first i though folding a computer meant that ur "running it at its Oced max" well destroying all the hardware, without physical contact with a hammer or something


i dunno, just a 14 yr old with wild imagination

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lol no there is no money abnd by protiens i mean protiens in ur body. Stanford University studies the protiens and how they work but they use your comptuer to study them. they send u stuff for ur computer to process. and yes its using ur computer at 100% cpu usage. but doesn't slow it down because its set as a low priority.

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