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ok i got a 2500+@3200+(200 fsb) i was just wondering if my 2500(1.8 stock) went up to 2.1 with 200 fsb what would my 2600 (2.01 something stock go up to with a 200 fsb? im wondering if i could get a better oc with my 2600. im not shure if my 2600 is a t bred or barton.

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you prob will not the 2500 is the best ocer out right now the 2600 oc but not as well as the 2500 if its unlocked is it?

You never did too well in English class, did you? Anyway, if your 2600 is a Barton it will do about as well has your 2500. If it's a Thoroughbred, it won't handle a high fsb as well, but you can certainly boost the multiplier

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well im not shure if its a tbred or a barton and its not in a comp at the moment so i cant check the catch or anything or see if its locked but it is right here in front of me on my desk and if im correct i can tell what week it is and if its locked by the black sticker on it right? if so let me know how to indentify it.



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Look for a string of letter followed by a 03XX where XX is the week number, prior to week 39 is good, after is still ok, you can OC by FSB only tho.


Some one correct me if I am wrong.


I have a Week 41 chip. Not sure if I can unlock mine.

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