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Itunes Is Driving Me Crazy!


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Change Album Artist to Kid Cudi and make sure the Album is same for all of them. ctrl+click every track on the album, right click the last one, and edit info. update those 2 fields and it will work.


you still HAVE to sort by album to group them together. If they are in the wrong order, edit the track numbers to put them in the right order.


iTunes works just fine when you know how to use it

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I did have the tracks in the right order, but they still seemed to kind of jumble together at random.


It looked like:


Track x of 20

Disc 1 of 1


The tracks were all tagged correctly, from 1-20. I'll try and make it work again later. But right now, I need to run an errand uptown. So I'll be back a while later.


Thanks everyone for helping. I'm generally the one that's able to fix the issues others in my household have with their computers. And yet... I'm the only one that can't make my computer work. Mildly humorous.

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Here's the problem:


I have a single album that has more than one artist on it. No matter what I try to do, iTunes will NOT group this album together. I have my view set to "sort by artist a-z." However, I want this album to be grouped together with the tracks IN THE RIGHT ORDER. Instead, iTunes decides to scatter the bits and pieces of the album all over the place instead of keeping it grouped together.


I'm an organization freak, and this particularly drives me insane. I want everything sorted properly, and iTunes is being very disagreeable and I'm starting to become angry.

You need to highlight all of the tracks in the album, click "Get Info", go to the "Options" tab and set them all as "part of a compilation - Yes"

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have another issue. >.>


When I'm listening to a song and pause it then keep going, when I hit the skip back button the song only goes back to the point where it was paused. Note that "Remember Playback Position" is set to "No" for all songs. Yet it decides that it wants to remember remember it anyway?


I tried reinstalling iTunes. Didn't work.

I tried updating to the most recent version of iTunes. Didn't work.

I tried changing "Remember Playback Position" to "yes" for all songs, then "no" for all songs in the hopes that I had maybe just missed one somehow. Didn't work.

I tried making sure all my songs were set to Type > Music and not Audiobooks or anything else. Didn't work.


I noticed that it seems to be album specific. Some albums behave this way, others don't. I have ALL the settings for ALL songs in my library the same.


However, I'm not 100% sure if it's "Remember playback position" that's the culprit. I think that is for resuming a song from where you left off when you play something else then come back to it.


EDIT: I revised/shortened post so it seems less "ranty" and is more to the point. Thanks to anyone and everyone that helps.

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Do you have an iPod? If not, try Songbird. It looks a lot like iTunes, and is probably way less of a headache... plus it serves some troubleshooting purpose too, if the problem persists then you know its not an iTunes issue.

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Yes, I have an iPod. It was free, so I"ll live with it if iHave To.


Oh. And I know it's iTunes specific because the music did not act this way in Windows Media Player or on my actual iPod. It's some setting in iTunes that I may have yet to find.


After I do my build, though, I was thinking of getting a Zune with a higher memory capacity. Would that be less of a headache?

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I use it because I have an iPod (that was free, by the way).


With the pain in the ... that iTunes is being, I'm pondering just buying a Zune so I can use WMP.


Still, though, for the time being, I'd like to get this working. This is seriously making me doubt Apple's "user friendly" claim. A lot.


At this point, I'm thinking of just deleting the album from iTunes. The UI is uglier than... well... something hideously ugly... and this is giving me a headache.



EDIT: You know what? Screw this. I find the lack of logic, the horrible UI, and the non-existence of helpful articles from Apple appalling. I just deleted the compilation album from iTunes. Maybe one day... one day in the VERY distant future... Apple will release a better version of iTunes that actually does what it's supposed to.


On the Zune part it uses the Zune Software which personally i love, so fresh and nice to use,


For your problem i think there is a "part of a compilation" option on each song, so it will group it as a compilation in itunes, i'm not sure about it in the ipod though

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You need to highlight all of the tracks in the album, click "Get Info", go to the "Options" tab and set them all as "part of a compilation - Yes"


That's the way...what he said...it'll work...gotcha...try it...NOW

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I always liked the mp3 players with which you simply uploaded your songs via the windows explorer. :) So much simple!


but less useful. you can do more, you just gotta know how. someone mentioned an instruction manual...that'd be nice. experimentation takes too much time!

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