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9800 GT is dieing


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I thought that EVGA cards are lifetime guaranteed?

Send them an e-mail to see if they'll cover it/fix it.

Is it possible to get an aftermarket Cooler for the card you have to replace the bad fan?

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I hate to restart an old topic but I need some input.


My link



My link


Kinda leaning towards the first one (6 pin and 400W power supply friendly) while the second one say 450W at least



Hard to see how either would need that much power. The rig in my Sig only pulls 240 watts in windows (2d) and 433 watts with CPU and Graphics stress testing software running like OCCT and Kombuster and thats with a significant overclock on CPU/Memory and GPU. I think either card would be OK for the 400 watt PSU. One has DX11, the other doesn't. A 5770 would be better than either.

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Also on a side note to save money, you dont actually need a 1Gb version of the 250.


If you always play in resolutions lower than 1440*900 then a measly 512mb version should work more than enough for you.


But if you play at resolutions higher than that you should get the 1Gb version


Higher resolutions needs higher graphical memory. So if you are playing under that zone i said above, then save the cash and go for a 512mb version.

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Wanting the 1GB because I plan on eventually upgrading my monitor. The card choices might change some. Just found the power supply recommendation list in another one of our sub forums. Going to do some research and price comparison shopping.

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Sorry to hijack this thread but I also have a 9800GT 512meg that is dying and would like recommendations on a new card.


I only play world of warcraft with it. Sometimes when I play my screen will turn all funky colors and artifacts will happen. I have to do a /console command to restart the graphics engine to fix it. It's working now but I know it will only get worse.


I play at 1920x1080 resolution, all graphic sliders on full except for shadows. In 25 person raids, I see a slowdown happen because of all the graphic effects happening at the same time. It's caused either by my graphics power of the card or because it only has 512meg of ram and I play at 1920x1080 resolution.


My PSU is: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817182090. Two 12v rails, 18A and 20A. Two 6pin connectors. But I have access to this PSU from my wifes old computer: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817182032. Two 12v rails, 19A and 19A, One 6pin, One 8 pin connector.


What would be the best upgrade if I want to keep my PSU or use my wifes PSU? Do I need 1GB of video ram if I play at 1920x1080 resolution? Right now I want better frame rates in WOW for raiding. Somewhere in the 30-50fps range (right now I get 10-20 fps)

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