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Chilled Oil cooling

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I have been running chilled water for some time and sick of all the condensation all over my rig. So this is the BIG Q has anyone ever tried oil cooling?


I will be wanting tothe use the Pc every day for gaming and Bming.


Also will be looking to use the water chiller to cool the Oil.


Any ideas/input.

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Do you mean using oil in the pipes instead of water? I don't see why that would prevent any condensation. The main issue is the heat difference between the pipe and the air inside your case. The water from condensation comes from that air inside your case, not from the pipe.

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wouldn't this still cause condensation since the oil will be colder than the air around it? Plus the oil will be kind of hard on the pump

Edited by CowKing

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if your going with immersion cooling then you need dielectric oil it is non conductive and can be used a fuel for diesel engines lol. If you know somebody with an eletrical testing company they may be able to get you a gallon or 2 for free as it is used for cooling eletrical transformers. like this one


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Yup ,once its sorted and running will post some pics and temps. It will prob take 2 days for the oil to reach it min temps. Just looking on the Bay for 2nd hand fish tanks.:)

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To fight the condensation with the chilled water could you insulate your liquid cooling system to prevent the cold from escaping and thus stopping your condensation problem.

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To fight the condensation with the chilled water could you insulate your liquid cooling system to prevent the cold from escaping and thus stopping your condensation problem.



It is all lagged and taped and putty. but its that cold water is still forming on that lot :). not worries about that atm going to move to oil and chill that.

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To fight the condensation with the chilled water could you insulate your liquid cooling system to prevent the cold from escaping and thus stopping your condensation problem.

Obviously you can insulate it, but it's hard to not leave any little spacing. When you keep it like that for a long period, there's always going to be condensation at some place or the other. :)


Edit: You beat me to it, Danny! Good luck BTW, make sure to post some scores in the 3DMark thread. :)

Edited by The Smith

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