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Do You Belive In God?



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  1. 1. Do You Belive In God?

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You know what drove me nutz? In "signs" the guy is a priest... he finds the existance of aliens, which in many ways is against religious theory, yet he continues to preach... ??? i dont get it. Am i wrong?

the existance of aliens does not disprove AT ALL that God does not exist. Where in the bible does it say "there are no aliens". now if it said that i would totally agree with you, but it doesnt, so, i dont.

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but the fact that god can creat man and never mention another creature defeats the purpose (IMHO). Religion is rather strange... Hell, if the egyptians wernt raped by roman catholics, we might have all ended up warshipping their gods... Its all about how you are raised. I was raised to choose what i wanted to... The whole religious thing was too closed minded for me. I couldnt ever imagine just thinking one things that "god created us, end of story". I want to see ALL the option.

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its not like that exactly, its not like what i beleive automatically becomes true. there is only one truth, and whether you choose to beleive in it is up to you, but it doesnt mean you can make up your own truth, just doesnt work that way. there are other options, but only one works :D


also, its not that the Bible says that "there are no aliens", its the fact that it DOESNT say there are aliens. its not in there, so they dont exist. makes sense too since they havnt found any :P


So, basically you said the following.


I don't believe in god/religon...




its not that im saying you dont beleive in God, im just saying its very... annoying when people assume "religous" people are the same as the religous people on the little screen, thats all. whether you are someone who thinks that is not for me to say ;)

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  • 1 month later...

Ok jumping in on this one really late here but can't leave it be without saying a few things myself I guess. :) btw I voted Yes!



cool.  But everything being created via huge explosion is posible...


I for one also say that the explosion is possible. But what brought about the means of this explosion. You just can't have Mass Heat or what have you without having something else in place first. So who or what created this something else? Well God. But then again I don't personally believe in that theory mainly because there is too little evidence to support it. Heck my theory above supports it best and yet still involves God. :)



so youre saying that every thing in that bible is a fact? and if hell does exists and i am suposidly going there some how even thou my mentality will die with my body "i'll save you a seat." becouse wether or not you know it you have comited a sin and if you comit a sin you are going to "hell" right. so technicaly there is no safe side on both of our arguments...


Later Post


i didn't say helping is a sin i am just saying that you probably have comited a sin some time in your life....


If you're a non-believer and have never came to know or except Christ as your personal savior then what you say is true. You Sin... You Die... You Go to H3LL... Simple isn't it?


Now for us who have accepted the greater glory of God and Jesus Christ and have accepted him into our lives it's a little different story. Sure we as Christians still Sin. But that's human nature.


Somewhere in this thread I read that God puts restrictions or some such on us. Not actually true either. He merely lays down guide-lines in which to follow. Thus we have the Bible. God has given man freedom to choose as he sees fit. Whether Christian or not we as his creation of a choice. That is why we are special. We think for ourselves.


The difference between Christians and the Non-Believers is that Christians have had their name(s) written in the Lambs (Christ God) Book of Life. That my friend is the difference in Heaven and Hell. If I as a Christian were to sin at this exact moment then not one second later die, would I be turned away from the Gates of Heaven? Nope but I will be Judged for my sins I have not repented from and God will place me in Heaven where he sees fit. But for those who have not accepted Christ as their personal Savior I'm sorry to say you won't be so lucky.



God and religion is for weak minded people who can't possibly accept that they are in control of their own life...


Please refer to what I stated above....



goteeman: microscopically, yes you can see wind as nitrogen and oxygen particles. you can NOT microscopically or in any other way see a god.


Of course you can't are you MAD. I for one love my God and yet I fear him all the same. To see such a Being of Totally Perfect of Imperfections and Power would lay a man dead on the spot! God couldn't totally show himself to Moses while speaking with him and giving him the 10 Commandments. If he had Moses would have surely passed right then and there. But Moses did Age considerably just from seeing and even Speaking with the "I AM the Great I Am."


But then again you at the same time do see God because he is part of everything he has created. The wind for example that you speak of has God written all around it. So when you see your nitrogen and oxygen particles you are seeing part of Gods handy work. Pretty cool that Scientist that God fella is wouldn't you say? Giving us things like Particles to look at and all. Heck what a great Leader of Government he has too. Freedom of Choice for the Masses of the World! Yet if you stray from his Law and turn him aside then you'll see the Long Arm of his Justice rest assured.


Now with my 2 cents in I guess I can breathe a little easier now. :) My remarks to the quotes above please do not take offense. I was just picking out a few things that I wanted to help clear up as I see them and to just let you know how I have been educated on when it came to those type of questions. If you don't believe I'm not going to slam you for it. It's your choice and God gave you that choice to choose. For me to try and force you into believing what I believe is a Sin. I need only plant the seed and if it takes fruit then I have done my small part in helping another see the Light.


Oh and for the one fella who said he went to Church and out of respect bowed his head and closed his eyes then said, Amen. Hey thanks for the support. Saying Amen really isn't a Christian word though. :) If I remember correctly it's of Latin origin (Linguistics experts help me out if I'm wrong here) but I've been told it just roughly translates into the english from of... True or Truly.


Keep the Faith. God knows I'm trying! :)

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Well, first off like the other guy said prove that he is not real? That is the


same question that you asked just turned around, you cant prove didly


squat you cant prove that he is real and you can prove that he isnt, it is


really just a faith issue. With out faith where are you? faith is the thing you


are lacking and it causes you not to believe. Most intellegent people tend


to ask questions instead of doing what they are told, but to be wise you


have to have faith and that is somthing that most intellegent people are


not. Just my 2 cents. Plus there is more facts and information trails leading


to his being real that him not being real. But believe what you want, you


should chat with a preacher about this subject becuase they are wiser that


me on this topic.


(P.S.) I have a question for you? You say you dont believe


in god becuase you cant use your 5 senses to sense him correct?


Well if this is so i would like you ask you another question.


Can you sense someones mind for example. can you hear a mind? Have you


ever felt a mind, touched or smelt the mind? But you know everone has a




Logicaly Right? Well if you have never seen it tasted it touched it smelt it or


felt it? THen what makes it real? you have to ask youself this question is it


real? well we all know our mind is real so why not apply the same


principles for your believe in god? It is by faith that we believe and our


choice to believe. Faith is the true science.

This is the truth, and no one can deny this statement.... Think it over very carefully if you do not believe if you cant wittness him

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If think that the God is not present - life loses sense. People just need to believe in it or don't think about God at all. For now I don't think about it at all, maybe it is easyiest way, but for now it's all I can tell ya folks. :ph34r:

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i what watching the christian channel and they were showing a bunch of buf guys on steroids braking plates over their heads and fire works and all and i got thinking that the only reason that they have to do that is becouse of people like me who don't belive in god or are starting to loose faith in it. They are making money off of the poeople who go to church so for every person who dos't go they loose money.


So there for religion is turning into more of a buissnes than just belving in god.


There has probably been thousands of people who became milionares off of religion.

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a person that i talked to gave this reason not to belive in god


: why,becasue my whole life i was told that god was out to help me and that the hard times were jsut "tests." but you know what thats @#$%ed up, why they hell then did he make me grow up in a @$%@ing drug house and have to clean up after my dad. thats not a test thats how you make a child @#$@ed up.


so there

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In my own personal theodicy I cannot accept the idea that God is a being of good and omnipotent power. For God to be omnipotent, that would make God logically not good. If God had all power to do all things and did nothing to stop suffering in the world how could God be God? I reject such a theology of almost evil. People have been put in jail and sent to death for such acts of mass murder, neglect, and high crimes. What makes it any different? If God made the earth and made natural disasters and diseases that kill people hundreds over or stands by and does nothing during the Holocaust. Frankly, I would not want to put faith to something that is that horrible.

I believe that God is a symbolic figure for all the things in life people see as being important. God continues to change in my mind time and time again because the things I hold to high levels of importance in my life continue to change and evolve. God is attributed the things in my life that are important. Love, hope, joy, community, peace, etcetera, are the types of truths for good life that I hold to being said are what God is. God is not a being, but things we see that really are good and make a difference in human life. The word God is not to be a name for a being. It is a symbolic representation for what people hold as importance. Paul Tillich called it the ultimate concern. I believe that was right. Feuerbach stated that people make God what they are.

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