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Do You Belive In God?



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  1. 1. Do You Belive In God?

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    • no
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what if 'god' was nothing but another race of beings that created us like machines and placed us here... to give a better idea, what if in the future we kept making better and better machines, but then our skills as humans advanced so much that we learned to build from tissue instead of using metal... and we created a life form from scratch in our own image....

then we placed that life form which could posibly be exactly like us on another planet and watched it advance over hundreds of years or somethin... say then our life expectancy was hundreds of years or even immortal w/ medicines and stuff... that'd be crazy.... heh

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i think many of you are missing an important point: a god who could create the whole universe in 7 days (literal Genesis) must obviously be able to do anything. No matter what happens, we were created to love and worship Him, because He deserves it. The world WAS perfect until man (Adam) showed rebellion, and therefore knew the difference between right and wrong, and was capable of sinning. This is why the world is like this today, mans rebellion and sin.


And as for good/evil, cruelty/compassion, we cannot say which is which. either way, we have created the negative side of this, and either way, we have no right to say God is wrong, because He DEFINES what is right. As for your statement that since He allows people to die, he must cause it. Well ill tell you, if a god who can create the whole universe in less than a week wanted us dead, we would already be dead. The reason we die, is because we have sinned, and the penalty for sin is death, and going to hell. The people that were alive thousands of years ago in the Bible made burnt sacrafices as compensation for their sin. The truth is that man has destroyed himself. And even then He gave us another chance! He sent his Son, Jesus, to die on the cross and be an eternal sacrafice for all of us, all we have to do it accept it. Now how is that for a compassionate god?



About that statement about time, and how it affects God, i think youve got it backwards. God has always been (dont even try to comtemplate this) and will always be. A million years is like a minute to him.


And lastly, yes God can create a "stone" he cannot lift, the human soul. Even though he could wipe out the whole world in a millesecond, he doesnt, he allowed us to live our own lives, and he doesnt control us... he leaves the decision up to us.

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ok the point Im tryin to make is that there is no physical proof that anything you just said is true.... and I know your responce will be the bible or some roman literature that was found or something.... but Im talking real proof, not papers or word of mouth....


at school me and my g/f and her friend came up w/ a great idea... mostly mine... but ya, her friend thought she might have been pregnant w/ out having .... sounds odd but I mean direct intercourse of it goin in....

yes I have odd friends... but it gave me a great idea... what if I married a virgin and got her pregnant w/ out having .... I was sayin her name could be marry to make it better... but ya Ill leave it up 2 you to figure out how I'd get her pregnant w/ out .... but then she had a baby boy and we named him Jesus... wouldnt that be cool? I could go around tellin ppl he's the son of god... because you all know how Im god and all .... :P but hey my birthday is Dec. 24th and my name is Nick (ya know Saint Nick... my parents were retarded....)... but that would be cool....

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Actually there is much proof he exists, many do not see it, or choose to ignore it... it even says in Revalation, during the end of the world, the sea will turn to blood, fire and brimstone will rain down, but still people will not submit. As for today, many do not beleive, because they are not convinced, and do not see. The other half of that is faith. How do you know your parachute will open once you jump out of a plane? you dont, but you have faith that it will. how do you know the sun will rise every day? you dont, but you have faith to beleive it... it is just the same as that ;)

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I do. Thats average, meaning some will use more and some less. I like the oddball theories, like the remaning 90% is for future lifetimes or that only ppl with psychic abilites use it, and other stuff like that.

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I still dont buy anything you just said... same stuff as b4... no real proof...

I dont thinK ive posted it on here b4 but I told my g/f this and she thinks Im stupid or somethin... heh... I told her the way Im gonna die is Im gonna be like 80 years old or somethin and Im going to commit suicide... Im thinkin bout goin sky diving and acting like Im swimming towards the ground until I hit or somethin.... that'll be cool.... why you ask? only cause noone else does... I mean why wait and suffer while you slowly die when you could go out in a funny way when you want to.... Im gonna be a pioneer....

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Volcam, that makes sense, but it doesn't. Maybe when I'm like 80 or so, I'll just pay the 20 mill to have the Russians take me to space and just jump out.

:P That seems like it would be fun. Live on the moon for a couple hours until I run out of oxygen.


Also, I don't understand what I wrote either...oh well... lol

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lol...thats even better.... when I go though I want it to be like a 30 min free fall or somethin to my death.... that way I can reminise on everything... I'd probly take an mp3 player w/ me so I can sing while Im falling to my death.... probly one song will be this one from korn that goes "everyday confronting something else thats killin me..." dono all of the words but who does.... another will probly be like 99 ways to die from megadeath...

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