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What a pair of 5770's and a 920 can do ...

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Hello people,


I just bought another 5770, it was the XFX HD 5770 XXX Edition. I Crossfire it with my existing Sapphire HD 5770 and this is what I got.


Here is a picture of how the system looks like:




My 920 was running at 3.8 GHz HT On, with a Vcore of 1.18 v.


These are the results:




Uhm ... :blink: ... with one card I was scoring about 19 k, seems to be the CPU is bottlenecking my Crossfire setup.




Now it's time to see what this baby can do. I overclocked the 920 to 4.4 GHz with a Vcore of 1.35 v and the 5770's to 1020 / 1445 MHz ... this is what I got:




:rolleyes: I'm pretty impressed with the results.

Edited by Nicckko

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that's a pretty nice OC for that voltage


Thanks ... but its not fully stable, just used it like that to run the benchmark ...




I will run some 3dMark Vantage later on, see what I manage to score.


A preview with stock XFX and Sapphire BIOS on cards, locked at 960 / 1445 MHz ...



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I dont get much of the overclocking Idea. Is just about scores?


Because.. I ask myself. With a 920 stock and a 5770 can't you play any todays games at any resolution and high settings at good fps? lets say 30+ (30 is pretty fine for me).. you see movies at 30fps so is smooth enough.


Anyway your pc is amazing =)

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wow, @ stock settings with crossfire, those 5770's still don't beat an oc'd 5870. i would've thought the opposite



I'm curious to see your OC results... but the end result is more heat and power consumption than a 5870

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Very nice dude! I wanted to see a real world comparison vs the Review comparison on those in Crossfire. Also, Like how you used the stock Intel HS fan. :thumbs-up:


Lol !! I ripped it a part but it cools NB pretty well.

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I dont get much of the overclocking Idea. Is just about scores?


Because.. I ask myself. With a 920 stock and a 5770 can't you play any todays games at any resolution and high settings at good fps? lets say 30+ (30 is pretty fine for me).. you see movies at 30fps so is smooth enough.


Anyway your pc is amazing =)


You are right, overclocking is pretty much of scores, see how high you can go.


24 / 7 I am currently running the Cpu at 3.8 GHz 1.18 Vcore and the 5770's at 875 / 1300 MHz.


I really don't play much, but in most games I usually get 60 - 80 fps playing on 1680 x 1050 monitor.


Thanks :thumbs-up:

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how did you got those overclock results on your 5770? :O

i can only get to 940 / 1350 at max >.> also how do i activate voltagetweak on my card?


njice scores btw :)

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