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The 125x25 versions of those are not bad but I'm sure that variant of fan is going to make some noise.... Can anyone hear quiet Riot coming on in the background?


Ripsaw, get a scale and let use know what the difference in case weight is when the fans are off then on. May have a slight Down-force to it now. :P


LOL we'll see how it comes out, hopefully my case doesn't start hovering, or maybe that would be awesome actually.


Also I just want to give public kudos to boinker for all the help via pm. Boinker has given me tons of valuable WC help via pm and I say there should be a "Boinker's Guide to Watercooling"!

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Got my Fluid XP+ Coolant and Scythe fan controller.


The coolant is a little lighter in color than I was hoping but lets hope the lights make it a deeper red. As for the fan controller, the downforce will be adjusted boinker ;)



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Going i7..





And since I can't do full W/C due to the aforementioned reasons I picked up the next best thing IMHO






Asus Deluxe/OC Palm motherboard + Corsair XMS3 6gb DDR3 1600 (TR3X6G1600C9) come tomorrow. More updates then ;)

Edited by R1P5AW

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The rest of the goodies arrived today:


Asus P6T Deluxe/OC Palm





Corsair XMS3





Tried to boot with my 600w PSU..no dice. Luckily I had the Antec 1000w around :thumbs-up:



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Couldn't boot with your 600W PSU? That should be more than enough to power that system. I doubt it didn't boot because it doesn't provide enough power. That is odd indeed. Glad you got it running, though.

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IDK. I had the 600w PSU connected and everything mounted the same way and the system fans would run but no signal to the monitors. I read in the manual AT LEAST a 600w PSU should be used, and if using a large video card a 1000w is recommended. IDK.


and for sdy..buy me an 800D and we'll take care of that :P

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