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MSI X58 Platinum/I7920 OC issue


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Hi all,

I have a question about my OC on my MSI X58 Platinum Board. This is my first run at real ocing but have read lots of post on several different sites and think I have the general idea on what to do.


Ok here are my specs on the OC, MSI x58 Platinum (bios V1.5) mb, I7 920 co stepping with Noctua NH-U12P SE2 cooler, Patriot Viper pc12800 ram (3x2gb),Thermaltake true power 700 watt ps., Sapphire 4870 gpu with Accelero S1 rev2 cooler.


I OC the system to 185x20 with +.90 on cpu, +.15 on qpi, ram is on auto at 1.65v, pci set to 37.5, spread spec dissabled, turbo enabled / esit enabled, everything else in normal positions. My CPU temps from coretemp are 37c idle, 72c 100% w/prime 95, ioh at 59c idle 70c load.


I can run prime95 for hours on end with no issues and never exceed 72c so I am thinking that it is a stable OC to 3.8ghz, but when I try to play some 3d intensive game my vid screen goes black, I can still hear the game running thorugh the speakers but i loose the picture. Whats wierd is i can loop 3dmark6 for hours with no troubles but when I play LOTRO in ultra high I loose the picture after some time. I unOC it and everything works fine.


If you guys could give me a hand I would appreciate it very much.


Thanks Ron,

PS if i left out any info you need please lmk and I'll add

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70c is fairly hot your probably getting soft crashes due to heat, while your computer may not blue screen and completely restart, your losing visuals and encountering errors. I would personally say anything 70c or above could be harmful to your cpu's health. Drop down your volts as far as you can untill you go unstable, then drop your clock down incrementally after untill your stable again.

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Try disabling Turbo. Your OC might be stable under Prime because Turbo doesn't kick in, but when you game the cores aren't fully loaded so Turbo can kick in and make your OC unstable.


Your temps are fine for a 920, but that board's northbridge heatsink tends to get really hot, if you can have a fan blow air towards it, it would probably help.

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Try disabling Turbo. Your OC might be stable under Prime because Turbo doesn't kick in, but when you game the cores aren't fully loaded so Turbo can kick in and make your OC unstable.


Your temps are fine for a 920, but that board's northbridge heatsink tends to get really hot, if you can have a fan blow air towards it, it would probably help.


hmm that makes sences i'll try that next, as for ioh it never goes above 73c which is pretty cool i thought compared to some of the temps I have been reading about.


the game doesnt matter was just using lotro as an example, happens in crysis, and sto also.


I was wondering if upping the qpi v would help, am at .150 now, also as far as the pci clock goes , does it scale with the bclk? and if you set it to 37.5 or 40 does it stay there no matter the bclk?


lastly as far as the ram goes on auto its at 1120 with 7 7 7 7 24 timings, is it better to raise the mhz and go with slower timings?, I have read several guides with the Pat Viper running stable at 1900mhz with 99924 timings.


Thanks for your imput everyone, is much appreciated.



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Try disabling Turbo. Your OC might be stable under Prime because Turbo doesn't kick in, but when you game the cores aren't fully loaded so Turbo can kick in and make your OC unstable.


Your temps are fine for a 920, but that board's northbridge heatsink tends to get really hot, if you can have a fan blow air towards it, it would probably help.


I second this motion as I have a similar setup.

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I second this motion as I have a similar setup.



Well I think we may have a winner, was online in sto for 2 hours at 185x20 with all other settings the same, and turbo off, and no blackouts.


The real test will be when I get my 5870 back from XFX.


I will test some more and see how it goes.


Thanks, Ron

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lastly as far as the ram goes on auto its at 1120 with 7 7 7 7 24 timings, is it better to raise the mhz and go with slower timings?, I have read several guides with the Pat Viper running stable at 1900mhz with 99924 timings.

It won't make much of a difference in games, but 800 extra MHz is definitely much better than slightly tighter timings.


Well I think we may have a winner, was online in sto for 2 hours at 185x20 with all other settings the same, and turbo off, and no blackouts.

Good to hear!

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In your first post you note a 1.5v in bios. Is that your Vcore? If so ,1.5v is is very high on air cooling.

Your temps seem fine so I'm not sure what the 1.5v is. Also you can increase the vtt voltage a bit

if you need more stability.

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In your first post you note a 1.5v in bios. Is that your Vcore? If so ,1.5v is is very high on air cooling.

Your temps seem fine so I'm not sure what the 1.5v is. Also you can increase the vtt voltage a bit

if you need more stability.


By v1.5 I meant the mother boards bios version is version 1.5, not the voltage.

Cpu voltage is at +.090, and qpi voltage is at +.15.

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