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Good Start?


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Well, I picked up a Core i7 920 and decided to go to work on it. After a day of sifting through the bios of my Rampage II Gene, I've got this so far. http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=803768


Temps are around 65C under LinX. Strange things I've noticed is that the voltage creeps up a tad even though I set it manually at 1.27v and the 4th core tends to be 4C lower than the others. Any tips or anything to bump it up a little higher are appreciated :)

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It's on air, got a Megahalems with 2 Scythe 1900rpm fans on it. I've been running LinX to check temps on it, 20 passes. I think once I get better feel for this stuff I'll try out a Prime run or something. It passes wPrime 1024m at 205x20 at 1.33v atm. I probably set the voltage too high, think I'll try to lock multi at 21 and lower the BCLK and see if I can drop some voltage.

Edited by Excidium00

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tkrow21 is right. It is a golden chip. I wish mine had a little more potential.


EDIT: Hey wait! Did you overclock through bios or some software? ballist1x doesn't approve overclocks that aren't done with bios. XD

Edited by ballist1x

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Got a question for you guys in my quest for speed, when does one start to change the CPU PLL and/or the QPI/DRAM voltage? I've been leaving it on auto and was just curious as to whether changing those around a tad would net me any more stability? Trying to find more info on the subject atm as well.

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ballist1x approves of you having balls and overclocking with bios. Awesome job, and once again great chip. I'm not sure if that kind of quality is common for this model but I guess you should consider yourself lucky if it isn't. :)

I've messed with asus gene's software overclocking and it locks up so fast even if you have plenty of room. But yeah bios is the way to go.


Got a question for you guys in my quest for speed, when does one start to change the CPU PLL and/or the QPI/DRAM voltage? I've been leaving it on auto and was just curious as to whether changing those around a tad would net me any more stability? Trying to find more info on the subject atm as well.

IDK for cpu pll but you change the qpi and dram voltage when changing the rams speed/timings, you can't let the qpi be less than .5v lower than the dram (by that I mean keep them within .5v)

Edited by xchrissypoox

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