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Should I leave OCC??



69 members have voted

  1. 1. Should I leave OCC??

    • YES!
    • Take a week off and think about how to become a more rational forum user, jerk!
    • NO!
    • Check my comments, then get back out there and post!!
    • Don't post, just remain a lurker for information gathering purposes

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I don't know you personally (or anyone here for that matter) but the rules for forums are universal...


If the forum is affecting your real life or if you feel you need to take a break, take one. Nothing wrong with that. :)

Yeah I may take one or two days break. I have a big test on Tuesday that I haven't been preparing for and that's probably stressing me out more than usual.


No, you're not allowed to leave. Regardless of how harsh some of us are at times (me included, obviously) there's no reason for you to abandon OCC.

Noted :). I need to be able to not take everything personally, and take everything as learning experience to mold me into a better person.


Ive seen too many threads like this. Just keep posting and with luck you'll end up Lounge famous like coolcat or l33tpimp.

Yeah but I still should make sure I'm not INfamous too :P. I like keeping a relatively clean record and an upstanding reputation so people can put their trust in me when I offer than advice or when they are seeking it.


what he said^^

if ya feel that bad about it ivi_ then tighten yourself up...

its pretty normal to have occasional impulse control issues B:)

Yeah, my fatal flaw is being set in my ways at times. I'm sure it happens to the best of us, but I take things too far sometimes.


IVI we all make mistakes and do things we know we shouldn't do. It's part of growing up. I don't think leaving OCC is the answer. In 10 or 15 years you'll look back and wonder why you would ever do such a thing. I've made some colossal mistakes in my time but I don't just run away. The thing about the internet is annonymity allows anyone to post anything without accountability. Be a man and be accountable. Your life will be a much richer experience for having done so. Running away isn't being accountable. If you need to take a break to keep your sanity then do so but don't just quit. Personally I'd like to see you stay.

This is true, I sometimes just have a problem with agreeing with others since I have a really bizarre passive/agressive nature. Which I am trying my best to refine into an assertive/agreeable personality if I can.


"when it'd truly be safer if they didn't"


What!!! now thats a statement only a supreme being could make, lol!


Fo real doe, I think your being to hard on yourself and going off on the deep end with this post. No way, i mean if you got something different to post, then I think its much needed. Most always everywhere we get re-fabricated bull over and over, same ole, same ole copy cat post and opinions. Its almost like there is 1 source that everyone feeds off and only a select few offer anything outside these pathetic re runs. You know!


So we need things shuck up. Its a good thing. I mean whatever is right usually will stick no matter how much you shake it anyway. A lot of times ppl argue opinions, which is retarded after all!


If post are getting to you then you already know thats bad, we all got stuff we need to work on. That doesnt mean we should quit or run away. There isnt a single person who doesnt have things they should work on, just most ppl arent man enough to see that.


But I am not even sure that has anything to do with it. I like to hear alternative views, i mean i love it. Its great, I can say that I dont know at all what this is about, And i might not should even be in this at all, but seeing how you started this poll and all. I just think your over anal about something, and your letting stuff bring you down. You shouldnt. Overall you have things to offer. I would just think more about that

I know this, I like to stir the pot sometimes but I never like making permanent enemies with people. I don't mind having harmless arguments as long as in the end we've all reached common ground and are happy with one another (until the next battle takes place :P).


You're opinions can be irritating but at the same time help a lot of people save money. :P


BTW I voted no.

Haha, that's my biggest goal.


I <3 bargain hunting/arguing.


and more specifically I love arguing computer hardware


Much ado about nothing. Everyone posts stuff they regret.

This is true, but I just never want the negative posts I've made to come back and haunt me.




Normally I delete these posts but come on dude there is no reason to leave

How accomodating of you :P. I feel bad for you Bosco, I bet you get nonstop complaints about me from everyone. I'm a thread pyro that's for sure.

Edited by IVIYTH0S

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How accomodating of you :P. I feel bad for you Bosco, I bet you get nonstop complaints about me from everyone. I'm a thread pyro that's for sure.

I'd bet he gets few to no complaints actually...


You don't break the rules often you're just very opinionated. :P

Edited by Waco

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I'd bet he gets few to no complaints actually...

You don't break the rules often you're just very opinionated. :P

I must come close to breaking them with my thread crapping with all the selling thread discussions.

I'll try my best to make posts only if I'm interested in the product or have a legitimate question related to the item that should have a public response to.

Edited by IVIYTH0S

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I've been thinking lately due to my irrational behavior that I shouldn't be around here, polluting threads with my opinionated banter. I always wanted to be a useful addition to the forums here but have just now realized how much I tend to live in my own world and often may mislead others into agreeing with me, when it'd truly be safer if they didn't.


Either this will be a farewell thread or a simple personal reflection/improvement thread.


Whether I stay or depart, I'd love to hear what anyone has to say about me. Issues they have with me, things I need to improve on, even things I may have done right?? No matter how good or bad, let me have it!! I want to improve myself


I want to be a worthy guru to OCC, not something that pulls down the forums' overall credibility (for anything I'm involved in)


I think the personal reflection improvement thread is the way to go! At times your banter can lurch into a world that should be abandoned. Take this as a way to improve rather than running from the problem! If we don't learn from our mistakes we are doomed to repeat them. I at times can be harsh but that is no reason to leave.

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I'd bet he gets few to no complaints actually...


You don't break the rules often you're just very opinionated. :P

:withstupid: The only time I got complaints about you was when you were on the 4850x2 rant :lol:

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I voted yes for the lols.

PHEW!!! and here I thought I had a legitimate enemy hidden within the confines of the blue ocean that is OCC :unsure:


I think the personal reflection improvement thread is the way to go! At times your banter can lurch into a world that should be abandoned. Take this as a way to improve rather than running from the problem! If we don't learn from our mistakes we are doomed to repeat them. I at times can be harsh but that is no reason to leave.

Indeed, I'll try not to push my own way of thinking on to other people. Don't think this means the end of our countless bouts over price/performance though Mr. Nuclear Mainframe Beta Tester :P


:withstupid: The only time I got complaints about you was when you were on the 4850x2 rant :lol:

now THAT'S some dark history, I'd be better off forgetting. Oh that 4850x2, man was that a short lived love. I don't know what drew me to that card so strongly?

and as such I've removed the 4850x2 and replaced it with the 4870x2 in my sig :D

Look at all these improvements in action!!

Edited by IVIYTH0S

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dan , do not leave we all love you , hey nobody is perfect every one makes mistakes


there is no shame in doing/making mistakes , the shame comes when you do not admit doing them or when you do not want to face them


come on man , i made a mistake when i said pci-e 1.0 is slower than 2.0 it gives almost the same performance


any way we are here to help each other , do not leave man :(

if you want to take a break why not but come back as soon as possible


good luck with your test and i hope you pass it , and get ( A ) :thumbs-up:


you know what when i read the title i said what the...........?


then i got in , when i read ( i mislead , mistake ,etc...)


i realized that you admit making mistakes , i tell ya this , if some one made a mistake and admitted doing it , i speak to myself

what a gentle man , .........:)

i did vote no ...:P do not go away


i just remembered this : facing the truth is hard , very hard , and you did it buddy , not every body can face the truth , only the brave and the behaved do ...................:)





i sound like dr phill ............:lol::P:lol: :lol:

Edited by N.E.A

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Just stay. Why leave because of some of your bickering?

I wasn't sure if my bickering went too far...beyond the point of forgiveness :O


dan , do not leave we all love you , hey nobody is perfect every one makes mistakes


there is no shame in doing/making mistakes , the shame comes when you do not admit doing them or when you do not want to face them


come on man , i made a mistake when i said pci-e 1.0 is slower than 2.0 it gives almost the same performance


any way we are here to help each other , do not leave man :(

if you want to take a break why not but come back as soon as possible


good luck with your test and i hope you pass it , and get ( A ) :thumbs-up:


you know what when i read the title i said what the...........?


then i got in , when i read ( i mislead , mistake ,etc...)


i realized that you admit making mistakes , i tell ya this , if some one made a mistake and admitted doing it , i speak to myself

what a gentle man , .........:)

i did vote no ...:P do not go away


i just remembered this : facing the truth is hard , very hard , and you did it buddy , not every body can face the truth , only the brave and the behaved do ...................:)





i sound like dr phill ............:lol::P

It'd be hard to leave with members like you who always give me a chuckle. I'll definitely stay around, who else's 4890 will beat your 275?? :P

Edited by IVIYTH0S

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It'd be hard to leave with members like you who always give me a chuckle. I'll definitely stay around, who else's 4890 will beat your 275?? :P


what is a chuckle ...? :P


any way your 4890 will never come close to my gtx 275 especially at 2560*1600 :P

i bet that my card will beat the crap out of yours ........:P

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Edited by N.E.A

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what is a chuckle ...? :P


any way your 4890 will never come close to my gtx 275 especially at 2560*1600 :P

i bet that my card will beat the crap out of yours ........:P

:lol: :lol: :lol:

lol you brought up Dr. Phil!! What's not to laugh?


You're just mad since you don't have the 104MB of ram and memory bus the 4890/280/285 has :P.


Have you overclocked your 275 yet?? (don't think I ever asked)

Edited by IVIYTH0S

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