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New Single Stage Cooler

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Wassup fellas! I contacted Ron McCall at Under The Ice a while back about building a single stage cooler that could easily handle all the heat my Intel chips generate and then some while benching. This unit is not to be used 24/7 and will only be used for benchmarking sessions, usually lasting between 3-6 hrs. Ron has built a beast of a single stage cooler that is by far the most powerful and impressive single stage cooler I have ever owned.


Here's some specs:


Chilly1 Evap and hold down

SC18CLX Compressor

Copeland Condensor

4ft of suction line


The unit holds my i7 920 D0 running at 1.525v well under -35C. I haven't tested it on a AM3 platform yet, but I would expect it to hold even lower temps at a higher vcore.


Here's some pics:





Stay tuned for cold filled 920 D0 and Xeon W3540 overclocking and benchmarking. I'll move on to my "special" 955 once I'm happy with the Intel side of the house, it should be fun :)

Edited by Nuclear

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I'll move on to my "special" 955

I wonder what it could be... haha


This cooler looks amazing. -35C is awesome, however it still does not beat LN2... The advantage though is you don't have to pay each time you want to bench... except the power bill. Did you measure its power consumption?

Edited by The Smith

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Thanks for all of the comments guys. I'll try to answer the questions, but if I forget one or I'm not too clear than let me know and I'll clear it up.


- The condenser is quite large, but it really helps in the efficiency of the system from what Ron has told me. This unit holds a very high load and needs a large condenser in order to handle all I'm throwing at it.


- I cannot comment on the price in an open forum, but feel free to PM me or contact Ron McCall at under-the-ice.com for any build or price questions. I can promise you that what you receive with a unit like this is well worth the price.


- The unit is charged with r507 and can be tuned for just about any sort of load. Ron and I spoke often while he was tuning the unit and unlike most builders he fine tunes his systems on the actual chip you'll be using when possible. He doesn't use a load tester or heating device, he uses the real thing which really helps to dial in the system.


- I am lucky enough to have a special 955, I just need a special board to go with it. I'm still looking for the classified version of a AM3 board, and so far I just haven't found it. I could run most any board extremely hard for a few short hours but being a computer engineer I only feel satisfied when I can still use it the next day.


- I measured the unit tonight with my wall meter and received readings of 600W+ with just the cooler running. This is a 3/4HP 120V compressor so it draws a lot of juice, but it's really powerful for a single stage cooler. My electrical bill will see an increase, but not enough to shy me away :)

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I hope to have initial results tonight. I'm waiting on some insulation supplies that I'm hoping will arrive tonight so I can begin prepping the motherboards. I'm also waiting on Amazon to ship my new temperature unit but that won't hold me up, I know its cold enough :)

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