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You could try an E8400 or E8500. These are good procs.


Agreed. Both are great overclockers and run pretty cool from what I've seen of other people's results...


I'm about to hit the "Buy Now" button for an E8600.


does anyone know where to find an intel processor with an unlocked multiplier?


Only Extreme Edition CPUs have unlocked multipliers.

Edited by r3d c0m3t

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would you rather have a q6700oem or an e8500 (or E8600) if you wanted to overclock to 3.7-3.8 for under 230$


E8500. It's a bit more price and overclocking conscious.


What I mean by that is, while a Q6700 does have four cores and quads are getting more and more of the spotlight as each day passes, dual cores are still practically unrivaled when it comes to heat management and overclocking.


However, you must always remember that no matter how many 3.8 - 4.2GHz+ overclocks you see. YMMV.

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If it were me I'd drop the Q6700 AND the 790i. The Q6700 is outdated by any standards and the nvidia 775 chipsets are widely renowned as a pain in the butt. If you don't need SLI, I don't see any reason to choose 680i/780i/790i over a comparable Intel chipset. Having said that, SLI doesn't really seem like a big concern for this build given the budget.


I know it's already been said, but I'll say it again. I'd go with an AMD Phenom II and not look back on this budget. I know you say you're an "Intel person" but to me that just translates to "I'm not interested in value, just the box my product comes in." I don't know about you, but the most important thing to me is that I get the most performance for my money.


If you still insist on going 775, I'd consider getting a 45nm chip and a P45 board. Something like the Q9450 if you need a quad, and the E8400 if you don't.

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Going on what you said earlier you mentioned unlocked cpu multipliers and under $200.

I would go with Verran's advice.

I would have to also point you toward an AMD phenom II. I'm pretty sure the black edition AMD chips have unlocked mulitpliers.

From what I see from our AMD guys like Damian and Nuclear, these cpu's perform great and are a good bargain.

If you insist on staying Intel, the only unlocked multipliers are the extreme versions.

I can't say there is any practical use for them.

Otherwise I agree with redtiger, go with an E8400 for pretty decent ovoerclocking chip.

Edited by Kingfisher

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Finally! The cavalry arrives. I felt like my little post (#4) was getting the cold shoulder. :lol:


Seriously consider a 940. It's right in your price range. Amazing performance for the money. Overclocks well.


Verran - I was going to recommend the Q9450 if socket 775 is the only choice, but, I can't find them? Are they EOL?

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Verran - I was going to recommend the Q9450 if socket 775 is the only choice, but, I can't find them? Are they EOL?

Honestly, I don't know :P I don't shop 775 parts anymore because, well... they're obsolete :lol: I don't mean "obsolete" in that condescending sort of "I have the money to go i7 so 775 is worthless to me" sort of way. 775 still held LOTS of value in my opinion after i7 launched, but now that the Phenom II is here I just don't really see how 775 competes anymore.


But having looked now, I don't see the 9450 either. Looks like the only real sub-$300 Intel quads are the Q8xxx series. Those are just so low speed though and with such low multipliers I would think OCing them would be a real let-down. All the more reason to go with an AM2+ setup, IMO! :)

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I only want to go intel sounds kinda dumb to me. I dont mean disrespect but as others are telling you the phenom 940 is exactly what you are looking for. The times of AMD=suck are gone now. Actually AMD has a great history of being the better choice over intel alternatives. They just had a bad couple of years. But let me tell you the new phenom 2 chips are nothing like their old ones. I wouldnt be afraid of them. For the price they are absolutely a steal. Anyway there is no intel with unlocked multipliers that dont cost mega $$$. You wont be disappointed with the new phenom not at all. It is all the rave now, everywhere there is praise for them. They are not the best you can buy. But they absolutely are the best in their price range. The perform wonderfully. I have been building amd pretty steady since the phenom 2. And just about everybody who gets one is impressed. So you just shouldnt limit yourself to one manufacture. But some people are stuck with their mindset, just dont limit yourself

Edited by ocre

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