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My first case mod.

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Well I recently pulled a large 140mm fan out of a junk pc and decided I needed to do something with it on my day off. I dropped about $10 on a couple of nice toggle switches and a jigsaw blades and this is what I came up with.


I had to put the fan where it is, it wouldn't have fit anywhere else.



I tried hard to keep the cut as even as possible but the saw got away from me on the top of the cut. :angry2:



These toggle switches control on and off for the fan (tis very loud) and control the speeds medium...and windy doom.



My wiring blows but it's affective and I really didn't want to spend time on it, and you can clearly see in this picture how I cut the hole just a smidgen to big.

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Pretty good job for a first time mod.

110 CFM@ 42Db is pretty nice too...



Might I suggest a dual position switch?

That way you can have one position for 12V (full speed) and one for 7V (medium speed).

It will quiet the fan down quite a bit too and then when you want maximum cooling you can throw it on high...



Pickup one of these up too:

140MM fan grill



It will save fingers and make the mod look quite a bit better...






After rereading the thread it appears that you already have speed control.


Comprehension fail on my behalf, I didn't read your whole post...


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Pretty good job for a first time mod.



Pickup one of these though:

140MM fan grill



It will save fingers and make the mod look quite a bit better...


Thanks, and I was planning to get a grill after my injury in my second TIM review.

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not bad...


a grill should clean that up nicely.



any noticeable temps difference?


is that an intake?


you might consider a large exhaust fan on top of the case, which should lower temps nicely if not.

Edited by Maj0r Gamer

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not bad...


a grill should clean that up nicely.



any noticeable temps difference?


is that an intake?


you might consider a large exhaust fan on top of the case, which should lower temps nicely if not.

It has given hugely noticable temp differences being a BTX case with a passive cooler up front, i duct taped all vents allowing air to pass through places other than the front of the case where the heat sink is and saw temp drop under load drop by about 8c.


That is an exhaust.


I probably wont make a blow hole on top because there is no room at all, and the only reason I chopped up that panel is because it was an extra one from a dead pc.

Edited by gabrieltessin

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seems like a good deal on the temps difference, if you're satisfied with it then besides placing a grill over the work...


there is probably no need for anything on top, unless it was possible and you just wanted to of course (temps probably can't be too low under most circumstances :)).


that side fan mod should work nicely as an exhaust, and should yield quite good results as it was probably getting pretty warm inside that dell case before.

Edited by Maj0r Gamer

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I think that might be more effective as intake rather than exhaust. Have you tried by any chance?

No I haven't, mostly because I need all of the air to come into the front of the case where the cpu heatsink is, pushing air in would probably not do anything for core temperatures.

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Nice first time mod.


Is the Proc and or ram overclocked?

Naw its all stock, its a dell. But it gets HOT! I have seen this cpu at 78c in the summer and that's really too hot for a home PC.

Don't worry I am planning a nice build this summer with a combination of graduation moneys and working my but off cooking.

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One thing to remember about more air flow is more dust will get into the system, Just keep a can of compressed air on hand so you can do an occasional cleaning.

Good job. ;)

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