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i7 @ 4.0 temps

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92C is too hot for an i7. The max I would run the 920 is around 82C and that would be for very very short periods of time. These chips run extremely hot and at those speeds it's going to be hard to keep it cool on air.

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With stock fans my TRUE and Noctua both gave me 84C at 3.9 with 1.42 volts. HIgh? Yes but with 8 threads running you can expect those temps on air with out massive airflow through your cooler. Now with one of my 920s at 4.1 I was running in the 70's with a dual fan rad. With my 965 at 3.9 on water and a tri fan rad I am in the 60s Celsius.

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I swapped out the fan on the v8 with one that pushes more air should a strap another fan to the side of it? Do u think that would help?


tons of fans always helped my k6 systems stay cool lol

To be honest no. It really won't do anything for it. The reason why the V8 isn't that good is because the fins are very far from the base of the sink where the majority of the heat is. It is dissipating heat, but it the fins were say and inch from the base of the heatpipes they would be much more effective, and that's where another fan would be useful, to get as much cool air going as possible. But when there is already a shortage so to speak of heat in the actual cooling fins, then adding another won't do anything. I know that my HDT-S1283 had no difference from 1-2 fans. Just my $0.02.

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