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Adverse effects of running GPU fan @ 100%???

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As I was overclocking my evga 9800gx2, I started playing around with the fan speed and realized the factory default auto setting never quite pushed the GPU fan 100%...


I ran for like 3 minutes at full speed (sounded like a my computer had a turbo), temps dropped like 15C easy.


Aside from noise, what is the downside to doing this? recommended? How much time does this shave off life expectancy?


Is it possible to tune the way auto controls speed?

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How much time does this shave off life expectancy?

Why would it decrease life expectancy? Fans are meant to spin. You're not damaging it by asking it to do so. If anything, this will INCREASE life expectancy because your GPU will run cooler.

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rule of thumb: components will run for twice as long every 10C you drop.

But if the fan on the cooler has sleeve bearings, it might start to get noiser after a year or two.

Ball bearings last longer tho.

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i've heard it said about processors, but never seen one shred of proof.

There's a bathtub curve for life expectancy. It shifts *slightly* based on temperature but it certainly doesn't shift logarithmically based on 10C increments. :lol:


Thermal cycling is far worse for a CPU than high temperatures are.

Edited by Waco

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I believe it's true for electrolytic capacitors but I don't think the same rule can be applied to many other components although heat is no doubt the main component killer.


A typical high quality electrolytic capacitor will be rated at 105 degree centigrade. Run the electrolytic at this temperature and the expected lifetime (20% drop in capacitance, not an catastrophic failure) will be only 2000-3000 hours. Every 10 degree centigrade drop in running temperature below 105 will double the expected lifetime of the capacitor. Not usually a problem in things like power supplies that run at 40-50 degrees centigrade because this will give a lifetime expectancy in excess of 5 years!





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