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Wtb A New Camera


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Want to get a decent intermediate camera with the ability to change lenses. What would be a good starting camera to learn the basics of camera operation. A camera that will take good pictures at 6 inches as well as 600 feet?

EDIT: I got some lucky pictures and now I've got the BUG !

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I really have no idea what I would need. What features would I even be looking for in an Entry level enthusiast camera?

I just know that I don't like the speed at which the Kodak focuses and shoots. I ended up missing a lot of shots at the Florida Keys. About 60% were out of focus. The Kodak was $140 So I would expect a entry level enthusiast camera to start at about $500-600? defiantly want digital though.



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I really have no idea what I would need. What features would I even be looking for in an Entry level enthusiast camera?

I just know that I don't like the speed at which the Kodak focuses and shoots. I ended up missing a lot of shots at the Florida Keys. About 60% were out of focus. The Kodak was $140 So I would expect a entry level enthusiast camera to start at about $500-600? defiantly want digital though.




dSLR = Digital Single Lens Reflex. Before digital bodies, it was just plain SLR.


Nikon and Canon are the two top names in the photography world, from the amateur to the pros.


If you want to shoot at 6 inches and 600 feet, you will need two lenses, although there are some cheap do it all lenses, but you sacrifice image quality.



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The Nikon D60 SLR Digital Camera with 18-55mm lens for $699.95 gives you a little more flexibility in lenses you can use.


No, it doesn't. The D60 doesn't have an internal focus motor either. The D80 does... and I'm sure with the recent(ish) release of the D90 they should be dropping in price? The two command wheels + top LCD readout on the D80 is great :)

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I just got the D60 with 18 - 55m lens and ive found it to be really good. If you dont have the money to go for a D90 then this is a good starting point. Its very easy to use and you can get it goiing almost as soon as you take it out of the box. All the reviews i saw and shops i went into said that it is a good entry level camera.


Just figure out how much you want to spend and then buy a nikon or cannon to match that amount. The cannon EOS1000 is about the same price as the D60 so you might find it hard trying to decide between cannon and nikon.


Also remember when you buy a camera you're gona want to buy good memory cards with high write speeds and you'll probably want other accessories so try to price that all in as well.

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I just made the jump from point and shoot to dSLR. I absolutely love it. I got a Nikon D90. I got the 18-105mm lens that came with the kit, and I also bought a Nikon 70-300 zoom lens. I would highly recommend them. It looks like you are under a bit of a budget, and the D80 might be more in your range....One thing the D90 has over the D80 is a second options wheel. It allows you to scroll through shutter speed and aperture setting at the same time.


I don't have a lot of experience with dSLR, but I do really like this camera. It was pretty easy to learn about the settings. I would suggest that you read the owners manual whatever you decide to get. I also picked up a book on the D90 for about 15 bucks, but it was very worth it. Beyond that, the only advice I can offer is snap lots of pictures! The more you take and remember your exposure settings the better you'll get.

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Canon 50D, or if you have the money, Canon 5D mark 2. Both are great cameras. I'm getting the 50D soon to replace the junky point and shoot I use.

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