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Overclocking A Q6600


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What VID is your quad, do you know the FPO/Batch number? I will be on the box and is on the cpu also..


I'll have to look for the FPO and batch number when I get home, and the VID is about 1.3125 if I recall correctly. I'll double check soon.


I have it set to 1.5125 in the bios, though with vdroop the effective voltage remains at about 1.5.

Edited by Crow47

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Right now I have my q6600 at 3.2ghz with it set to 1.4 vcore in the bios, and the rest of the northbridge voltages and etc set to auto. This is stable. However, I would like to push it past this. I have been fiddling with the voltages and fsb, and in doing so I can get into windows at 3.4ghz but I have to jack up my vcore to almost 1.48 volts, and along with that I have to change my NB voltage to 1.48 volts and the fsb termination voltage to the same 1.48 volts. This is not completely stable, and I'm wondering what I should try to adjust to get more stability out of this. I'm afraid to up the volts more, because I don't really know what is acceptable for this chip, and what is acceptable for motherboards in general. I have a Zerotherm Nirvana cpu cooler.


If more info is needed I will be happy to provide.


Here's a cpu z shot of what I have right now:


shoot man i've done everything all the rest of you have many times over including retiming memory ....everything...!!...and still can't get mine past 2.8....???....i've decided get a monster heatsink and fan for it because even at factory spec 2.4 it runs hot...65 to 70c....maybe that's the answer i don't know but it's seems like the next indicated thing.... :blink: edit ....maybe this is just one a those terrible oc ers ive read about...i guess we'll see...

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I thought even the worst Q6600 would do 3.2Ghz, I have one that is all it will do stable 3.2 with a little over 1.5 vcore. You definitely need a good cooler to get rid of the heat or your not going to far, like you said at stock speed and stock cooler they get pretty warm full load...

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I have had to set northbridge voltage on Asus board 1.45v for quads...when hitting 3Gs or higher...


My P5E will corrupt the hard drive on default NB voltage if i push over 3Gs...it corrupts on boot...but setting the NB volts to 1.45v will get me to 425fsb with 1.5v core auto everything else...thats with ddr1066 ram as well

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As per Road-Runner's request, my VID is actually 1.325 volts and my fpo/batch number is L833A415. I noticed on the box it says 1.35 volts max. 0_o Hah, oh well!


Here's a cpu-z shot of what I have. I had to bump the voltage up a little more to get a true 1.5v to the chip, to compensate for vdroop.




I ran prime-95 for 11 hours last night, and when I got home I looped 3dmark 06 for a couple hours, no problems. Later tonight I'll do some practical tests and game with TF2 and L4D for awhile, see if I blue screen.

Edited by Crow47

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All the ones I have seen with a 1.325 VID have not been that great of overclockers, about 3.4Ghz for the ones I have except one is 3.2Ghz. They take so many volts to get up there that heat becomes issue also. My good clockers and others I have seen have lower VID. My best one is L743A and has the lowest VID of 1.2250 in coretemp. Also from what I have seen none of the 2008 models clock worth a damn either its the older ones, L737s had a lot of good clockers, all the high clockers were low VID.


Edit: Here is a chart a guy at XS made that keeping up with some Q6600s... http://www.xtremesystems.org/forums/showpo...mp;postcount=21

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I have a Q6600 that the guy I got it from said it would do 3.2ghz in his Abit board...


I booted it in my Asus P5E and it's a B stepping and it booted default at 1.20v


now my Q6700 has always booted at 1.19v from a clear cmos...a few times it has booted at 1.17v and I have gotten it to 3.8ghz with setting the vcore to 1.5v in the bios and it boots into windows at 1.38v and loaded runs 1.32v...talk about vdroop...lol

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Well, heat really isn't an issue. I moved my computer the other night, and with the side off my case, and with Prime 95 running, I hit 55. Tops. This Zerotherm knows how to keep 'em cool! :) And it's not like I NEED 3.6ghz, lordy, this thing was way fast enough at 3! I'm just trying it for the heck of it.


Thanks for the input, everybody!


*Edit* And looking at that link you gave me, RR, it looks like I'm lucky to have gotten it to this high at all. :\

Edited by Crow47

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I thought even the worst Q6600 would do 3.2Ghz, I have one that is all it will do stable 3.2 with a little over 1.5 vcore. You definitely need a good cooler to get rid of the heat or your not going to far, like you said at stock speed and stock cooler they get pretty warm full load...

me too RR...here's the update....i pulled the cpu an blew it off w/dustoff...the socket too...then reinstalled with a good asus shotgun cooler i had laying around/lots o thermal compound...changed fsb back to 333x9, memory 444-12, vcore 1.45, nb 1.50 dram voltage 2.2 and basically upped everything else slightly where applicable.....resulting in a 3.01...i tried several other multiplier/fsb combo's without success so i'm just gonna be happy with 3.0 for now....real temps is reporting idle temps at around 44 and working load temps at near 57...58...59...etc... i haven't seriously stressed it yet except for folding@home while multi-tasking and probably won't....i'm just gonna let it sit here and fold for awhile and settle down...thanks guys....cj :)

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i manged 3.2ghz at stock voltage and 24/7 stable. anyone above that its no boot even at 1.5v


i say just do 400fsb@8x and be done with it.


I think he said this.


rr is correct when he said that not all processors are created equal.

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I'm glad to see you had some success overclocking, mate! Yeah, this chip is mean at 3.0. You'll do just fine ;)

thanx crow....the mobo in question has native ddr3 1333 support built in and i'm just about ready to go there with it....that opens up 1333 fsb according to asustek where the current configuration is limited to 1066 fsb....a very interesting combination of features in this board...i'm thinking about http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16820231190

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