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Perfume Fever!


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can i use my perfume to clean the thermal paste?? im using ralph laurence romance... thanks z:)

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never use anything scented to clean a CPU, especially not perfume.


these products are designed to leave a smell behind, and in fact the higher the quality, the more effectively they do this. the alcohol in the perfume is designed to evaporate and leave behind whatever is producing the smell, some sort of oil for example, and this would remain on the surface of the processor and impede heat transfer.


get yourself some pure alcohol, or TIM cleaner.

Edited by psycho_terror

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i wouldn't use the perfume.


you could use rubbing alcohol...should be able to get some for about $1 in us funds. or better yet, denatured alcohol is better for quick evaporation but is much more expensive.


i found some denatured alcohol in the hardware section at walmart...if you live outside of the us, you can probably find it in the hardware section of stores or at an actual hardware store. rubbing alcohol can be found at most stores, and at pharmacies without a problem.

Edited by Maj0r Gamer

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Hi Abid,

Hey man, you are really entertaining reading this AM lololol. Personally I like AXE cologne. If you use the spray you could get a really even coat on the cpu (hohoho).

Reality, Alcohol is safe and works. Acetone (which is what i always use) isnt that safe but works like a Champ if you are careful how u use it. Paint Thinner the same.

Please keep Posting,,, I love it,,, haha.

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